Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025
acid snake

Hey guys. Just thought it would be good to get a little update article out there on this topic. Acid Snake and Coldbird are, as you already know, working on some very interesting things for the Vita.

Acid Snake

A few weeks back Hackinformer wrote an article explaining a lot of what’s going on and also adding that they were in need of a PSP3000 model and also a Playstation/Vita TV for their research and projects. Well, fate aligned itself on half of this as I happen to run into a couple of PSPs that were “broken” or I bought them as damaged. One was, luckily, a PSP3000. I tested it and determined that the only problem was a busted battery. It functioned fine aside from that so I donated it.

Acid Snake has already received my package and was very grateful. That took care of part of the problem. Now he is still in need of a Playstation TV. The firmware doesn’t matter as they will be using it to get a better understanding of the newer firmwares. I saw several of you talking about having one to donate but nobody has come through yet. Someone really needs to send one their way.

Guys, these two, along with a whole host of other devs, have put a LOT of their valuable time into making things for the community. I think the least we can do is come together and get them the hardware they need to test and develop the things we get FOR FREE!! So, with that said, if you’ll shoot an email or PM or whatever to either hackinformer or myself we will be glad to arrange things for you. You’re also more than welcome to contact AcidSnake on your own.

acid snake

This is a big opportunity as these guys have said they are looking to “bridge the gap between PSP and Vita.” Trust me when I say they’re working on some really incredible stuff that we will surely be grateful for and end up using for quite a while! If you would like to read hackinformer’s original article you can see it HERE! Also, AcidSnake has graciously released an open beta for the Ark Menu and you can find the article on it HERE!

Thanks guys and please help out if you can. We will all benefit from your generosity and who knows… you might end up testing something. Thanks for reading and as always… HAPPY GAMING!!!

By JohnthePooka

Just your friendly neighborhood redneck from Alabama keeping things interesting. I cling to my God, my games and my guns! Roll Tide and HAPPY GAMING!! You can find me on Facebook and Twitter @johnfrazarjr