Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

While browsing on the net I ran across something every interesting called the PS4 playground by CTurtE. It’s a collection of PS4 tools and experiments using the WebKit exploit. Now this is for firmware 1.76 only at the moment.ps4 If any of you remember around the time of the PS4 update 2.00, Skfu told everyone to stay on FW 1.76 if you were interested in any hacks for the PS4. Well today we see that the web exploit did bear fruit, so if you are still on FW 1.76 give it a try and let us know how it goes in the comments below.


A live demo can be tried here, without module dumping, seen in the picture below.

ps4 playground

You should clone the repo and upload it your own server to have module dumping capabilities:

git clone git://

You can also download a zip of the latest source here.


Although this is this primarily a framework to help write and execute ROP chains, PS4-playground comes with several experiments for you to try.

After executing a test, you should either refresh the page, or close and reopen the browser entirely; running multiple experiments sequentially is not reliable.


Get PID – Get process ID

Get Login – Get login name and leak a kernel pointer


Get Loaded Modules – Get a list of currently loaded modules

Dump Loaded Module – Dump a currently loaded module (use Get Loaded Modules to see all available)

Load Module – Load an additional module from this list

Load and Dump Module – Load an additional module and then dump it (see all available here)

Once you have dumped a module, you will need to run to combine all chunks into a single binary.


Browse – File Browser

Get PSN username – Read your PSN username from account.dat

Get Sandbox Directory – Get the name of the current sandbox directory (10 random characters which change each reboot)


Get Stack Protection – Get stack base, size, and protection

Get Stack Name – Get stack base, size, and name


Send Message – Send a TCP message to the specified IP and port

Special thanks to SKFU, droogie, Xerpi, Hunger, Takezo, nas and Proxima for their help on it.

Download: PS4-playground

By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.