Fri. Feb 28th, 2025

Wait, what’s that thing with the PSM Dev assistant for Unity App lately? I thought that’s the wrong one as everyone always told me?!?


Lets start at the very beginning:

Yes it was the “wrong one”! Wrong in terms of Yifanlu managed to have found a vulnerability in “the other Dev Assistant App” in 2012, and from that point exploiting and working on said vulnerability. Why search for another entry point first when you have just found a way to investigate the Vita natively?

Anyway, when Sony published their “Please stop using and delete PSM Development Assistant / PSM Development Assistant for Unity” announcement yesterday, a lot of people were scratching their heads because of mentioning the Dev Assistant for unity at all?!

With further investigation by Yifanlu, it has been confirmed that the same vulnerability used for Rejuvenate exists in the Unity App as well!


What this means is that it is indeed possible to rejuvente the PlayStation TV after all!

Until now it’s only possible to make Rejuvenate work on a Vita because of the needed USB connection. If Yifan now successfully manages to port his hack to the Unity Application, things will change as this app can work over Wifi. This way the PlayStation TV wouldn’t be left out and even the Vita wouldn’t need to use the usb connection any more!

What to do? How do I install the Unity App on my PSTV?

The best part is that this App doesn’t have any DRM security like the “normal one” and can easily be installed via the PKG Installer for example. All currently known and working ways would need you to either have a second, lower Firmware Vita and/or a PS3 though. This not only sounds hard to do but is, if you haven’t done it before.

Don’t fret… help is on its way! You will just need to wait a couple of days, or maybe hours, more: The upcoming read/write trick necessary to install PSM+ for licenseless users will make this easily possible for everyone. (And due to the fact that rejuvenate isn’t even ported yet there would be nothing you could do with the app for now anyway)

Stay tuned for a detailed tutorial on how to do this once it’s released..

Catch me on twitter: @freakler94

By Freakler

Moin! Occasional programmer, number 2 here at & creator of the PlayStationGuide. I mainly talk about console-hacking related stuff..