Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Hiya Kiddies! heleius here with an important public service announcement. If you are at all interested in the Yifan Lu’s Rejuvenate hack, DO NOT UPDATE YOUR PS VITA TO 3.52!

I must admit that was rather fast on $ony’s part. And as you can see above, according to Yifan Lu, they basically killed PSM. So again, do not update if you ever want to play with/be a part of the Vita’s newly birthed native homebrew scene, unless of course you have two Vita’s. And with the recent price drop to $169.99 now would be the perfect time to grab one!

3.52’s system stability update only seems to have an effect on the native/PSM hacks. Mr. Gas & Major_Tom’s PSTV whitelist bypass hack is still working, and the usual ePSP stuff that hasn’t been released is still a-go-go. Personally though, I wouldn’t recommend updating to 3.52 unless you are a multi-Vita owner and can keep one device on 3.51 or lower or you love your PSTV’s Remote Play function than the possibility (currently Rejuvenate does not support the PSTV) of native homebrew ever working on the PSTV.

For those of you not updating, remember, Charles proxy and Vita Update Blocker are your best friend right now, and grab what you need off PSN ASAP.

Please direct questions/comments in haiku to @heleius

//heleius out

By heleius

BAWDMF #drinkthekoolaid #inailedyourmom click my peepee