Tue. Mar 4th, 2025
If you use same password on other forum sites change it asap. It seems a group is after the long-time Team-Xecuter site. That has been Rockin’ the Xbox Scene since early 2000, and were able to finally ‘steal’ their database and are trying to un-hash their passwords!!



Team-Xecuter has been famous for over a decade in hacking into the original Xbox and Xbox 360, and hopefully in the near future the Xbox One, but it seems someone decided to turn the tables on them and hack TX’s big official support forum.

Here is official statement from TX regarding what happen:

We recently moved to a new server and stupidly left our backend open for an easy attack which has now been fixed.Luckily the guys who gained access left their muddy prints all over the place so it was easy to clean up. What we did find out was more interesting. Who did it, why they did it.If you want a quality hack, use someone who isn’t going to leave their signature all over the place and take 5 minutes to find out who they are and have half their team rat out the other half. In short – don’t hire these guys for the job: http://xbl.services http://refaced.orgFor the last 12 years our community of 282,000+ members have always had the security of knowing that we have never used their information for any purpose other than to be part of the Xecuter community. You will now be pleased to hear these group of hackers tried to steal the accounts to various high level staff and admin of the se7ensins community, who are also part of the Xecuter community, so they came in to grab our entire database. Hackers have been trying to do this for years and this weekend succeeded due to a stupid failure on our part to button up a few holes in our backed after we moved to a new server, making it easier for lesser skilled individuals.If you have an account with us you can now assume that your email and password is now in their possession. We highly recommend you change your password here on the Xecuter forums and if you use the password anywhere else that you change it too – there is a maximum probability that it is now, or will be in the very near future compromised. No passwords are stored in clear text of course, they are all hashed but we are very skilled in this area and know there are ways around this so we can only assume they know the same tricks that we do so it is only a matter of time. These guys attempted to install a crappy keylogger too, it didn’t work of course, it was a mess so no worries there.

We’re not sure who to reach out to at se7ensins but i’m sure this will no doubt reach their ears in good time.

We are reporting this news since alot of Xbox and Xbox 360’ers use our forum site, and just might have similar passwords out there, and as warning to other website admins that run similar ‘scene’ sites keep an eye out for this horrible group of messy bad hackers.
Official Site: Xecuter Forum Database Stolen

By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.