Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Exploit Image-itok=1InZBcOi Well Sony is back at their old tricks. Just a little while ago Sony released firmware update 3.18 which does absolutely NOTHING except for blocking a few more private usermode exploits. Seriously, to think that this billion dollar company is wasting their money on blocking these old ass PSP save games while at the same time they are re-branding the Vita as a second screen for the PS4 you’d think they would take the time and add some new damn features.

Of course it is the same old song and dance. In my opinion this time it’s a little different. It almost seems a little too convenient that this new Firmware comes out just DAYS after a bunch of 3.15 TN-V videos go up. I seriously think Sony needs to get their act together and stop wasting time blocking usermode exploits and spending money on their 1st party studios. Or at least make the system software cooler…  

But all is not lost. As usual they may have got some usermode exploits, not the all important kexploits ones, which means that there will be no releases. (Well, maybe if someone has a private VHBL or something that got blocked, but I haven’t been keeping up on those due to the fact it is the summer and I have a 7 year old daughter that takes up most of my social time) But again let me stress I don’t think they block ANYTHING good. Only some games used to launch TN-V & ARK ect, so basically they spend tons of time, money and resources that all in all just annoy us.  

Thanks for nothing Sony, keep up the good work wasting money patching PSP game saves and NOT bringing us new features for our $200 remote play boxes…

As usual, hit me up on twitter @heleius with any nonsense…

By heleius

BAWDMF #drinkthekoolaid #inailedyourmom click my peepee