Sat. Mar 1st, 2025


It didn’t take long for private exploits to start being released, as like with every firmware, Sony always seems to patch them. Numblast is the ‘Field Runners’ of 3.01, it is fast, cheap $2.99, and takes up 36mb of space. I’d recommend getting it for anyone on 3.01 it is cheap, and you just start the game and it loads directly into TNV. So get it while you can either on a PS3 or with Charles/SKFU proxy. If you are looking for the game in Japan it is called Qruton. Files will be uploaded soon.

Thanks to @qwikrazor87 for this one…

Download Files.

Numblast AS

Numblust EA

Numblast US
I’ll be updating this page as more private exploits are released.

Questions/Comments? heleius =

By heleius

BAWDMF #drinkthekoolaid #inailedyourmom click my peepee