Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

Hello everyone it’s Riddle43, back to share some exciting news with you. I’m here today to share the release of ONEMenu by Gdljjrod! ONEMenu is a replacement menu for your Ark-2 exploit with a few features that will come in hand like…

It can install and delete emulators, homebrew & PS1 games into your PSP/GAME folder and you can place an ISO or CSO in any save folder and send it over to your PS Vita or PSTV and it will show up in your game list, no need to install.PSP-Games WM

You can set any game, emulator, or app to auto launch by setting it to X, O, triangle, or square, by pressing select will bring up a config menu to let you set all the options just be careful not to delete your hidden homebrew unless you want to.

Can also change some of the nuances of the theme such as bar visibility, and whether or not to show your hidden files.Config WM Installation: You must place all files in the SAVEDATA folder  for the ONEMenu. It’s where you have your Ark2 exploit. Then transfer them with Cma on the PSvita and launch your Ark2 exploit an you will see the new ONEMenu..


  • Up / Down navigation between the different categories.
  • Right, Left move between games (With L / R fast forward).
  • Select Activate the settings menu.
  • [] Option to HIDE Homebrews
  • Triangle: Remove games ( CARE not delete your exploit : D)


Share jvhellraiser a topic ONEMenuRED .

If you like gdljjrod ONEMenu.. You can make a donation to him here:


Download: ONEMenu for Ark2

jvhellraiser red & Dante’s Inferno ONEMenu theme.


Download: red ONEMenu for Ark2


Download: Dante’s Inferno ONEMenu for Ark2

You can also see it in action in the video below..

You can get your copy here and if you have any trouble you can get some help in the forums here..

If you have problems hide many homebrews , try the fix:

If you have any fault , suggestions or comments please do not hesitate to communicate .

I also want to say thank you to Gdljjrod for making such a wonderful menu and as always you can find me on twitter @riddle43

By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.