Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

A lot of you have been asking how to use skillers tools or how to make more bubbles. Well our friend Dessel575 has written a great guide for you, on our forums and I thought this one will help a lot of people. So I figured lets put it on the front page so everyone could find it easily, that needs help with making bubbles on the PSVita. Specially if just got the new VHBL with the Papaton 2 exploit. Here’s Dessel575 helpful guide and he also updated it here recently.

What do you need:
– homebrew (in .ISO), or backup (.ISO) of your PSP game you can get the homebrew iso here.. HOMEBREW LOADER
– EBOOT.PBP of your base game
– base game in your Vita
– Skiller’s tools ( (he put together sign_np, npdpc, sboot, etc.)
– FileZilla (or another FTP Client)
– HxD (or another hex editor)
– PSP Brew (dl.qj.netl)

First off, you may have to try different base games (PSP GAMES), as some of them work and some of them don’t. So this tutorial is for those on FW 3.18 & 3.36,

Step 1 – Signing your ISO

1) Obtain EBOOT.PBP which is going to be a base game for your ISO.
For 3.18 FW: Use either FTP (PSP → GAME → NPXX00000 [ Make sure to write it down the ID/remember it; this is a placeholder name, your base game’s ID will be different] → here’s EBOOT.PBP),

For 3.18 & 3.36 FW: Go to the Sony website here → *Sign In* → Media → Games → choose a base game and download it.psnYou will download .XPD fle → open the .XPD in Notepad → find URL (…/…/….pkg) → paste that url into the address bar → .  The PKG will download → extract EBOOT.PBP from .PKG using PkgView_1.3.

2) Extract the “Sign.rar”, now you will have a “Bubbles” folder.

3) Then, here’s an official text from Skiller’s README.TXT, my comments are in []:

 Put your base game’s eboot [the one you obtained in Step 1] inside this folder [Bubbles].
– Rename EBOOT.PBP (base game) to NP.PBP
– Open the SignCFIG.txt file. set your compression to either 0 for
compression or 1 for no compression, I let be with no compression. Save and close.
– Drop your Homebrew or Game.ISO on to SIGNNP.bat
– Now Check the FIXGAME folder […/Bubbles/FIXGAME] for your new EBOOT.PBP

Sounds too easy? Well, that’s how easy it really is.

Step 2 – Creating PBOOT.PBP


1) Download this PBOOT.PBP (!vEByhYoZ!ksGHyo4Rss7rsz36_kxFmOcsMJYUGhidjA7UH478GiY)
2) Open it in PSP Brew.
3) Put there ICON0.PNG (Main Icon) and change the Title to whatever you want, then save.
4) Open this PBOOT.PBP in HxD, locate “BASEIDXXX” and change it to yout base game’s ID (NPXX00000 in our case, check ‘1)’ of Step 1 if you don’t understand)
5) Save.

Step 3 – Putting your new EBOOT.PBP inside PSVita.zzz1

This for 3.18FW or 3.36 you have to have Ftp install already
1) Open FTP for Vita (from TN-V, VHBL, or ARK)
2) Connect to the FTP server with FileZilla, go to PSP → GAME
3) Change your base game’s name from NPXX00000 to NPXX00000&, paste there PBOOT.PBP
4) Create NPXX00000, paste there EBOOT.PBP (the one from FIXGAME folder, check ‘3)’ of Step 1 if you don’t know)
5) Check if everything’s where it should be, then close TN-V, VHBL, ARK.
This for 3.18 & 3.36 VHBL , also you will need pspfiler installed already to do this and if you can’t get Vita FTP to work for you. (also this will work for TN-V, ARK)
1. Take your new EBOOT.PBP file and place it into a psp game save on your pc. (It’s where you put papaton 2. game save files)
2. Now transfer the game save you just put the eboot in, to your PSVita using CMA
3. Boot VHBL and use PSPfiler to move your EBOOT.PBP to your Base Folder (PSP GAME) once you are done with that exit out and then close VHBL.
                                                                    Step 4 – Letting Vita do “magic”.safemodebuttons
1) Shutdown PSVita.
2) Boot into recovery mode. Press the Power button + R + PS button.
3) Rebuild database.
4) You should have a custom bubble.

That’s it, it’s really easy, but if you run into any problems, contact me on twitter.
As I sad in the beginning, if you did everything right and it didn’t work, try a different base game.

Credits to:

-Dessel575 for this guide

-Hykem, Proxima and tpunix for sign_np

– Skiller for putting things together and making everything a lot easier

– Major_Tom for his method to create custom bubbles

By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.