Dynasty Warriors: Origins – Review
The tale of ancient China’s “Three Kingdoms” period has been told several times in gaming. Namely, the story is told several times in the Dynasty Warriors franchise. A new Dynasty…
The tale of ancient China’s “Three Kingdoms” period has been told several times in gaming. Namely, the story is told several times in the Dynasty Warriors franchise. A new Dynasty…
The king of the land has been murdered. Behind his murder, there is a plethora of corruption and confusion as the land decides it needs to elect a new king.…
This article only covers Windows users, if you’re a Linux or Mac user, check the main updater page by clicking on this link. For everyone else, let’s continue. What You…
This article is going to compare the X3 and X5 versions of the Mega Everdrive. This is for those who want to spend less money than the X7 or Pro…
Hello brave adventurer. You have arrived in the land of Felghana with your trusty companion. It was an unexpected arrival, but it was expected to be one of good tidings.…
You’re here to learn everything that there is to know about the Everdrive64 X5 and I promise not to disappoint. But let’s jump in because there’s a lot to get…
I have about a dozen Everdrives to cover, so let’s not dilly-dally. Let’s just jump straight into this first one for the Sega Master System. The Master Everdrive X7 was…
Another handheld has entered the battlefield. This time, it’s from a newer company called ModRetro. They aim to create a modern day Game Boy Color with all the fix ins.…
Welcome back to the Kingdom of Fiore. All is not well in our return. The Fairy Tail guild is greeted with the rising threat that is set to overtake the…
We love Krikzz and company, don’t we folks? Today we’ve got the first review out of several (spoilers) headed your way. This one got focus first and foremost because it’s…
Yuzu for Windows is Missing but it’s not Gone. So I think we are all aware that there’s a bit of a Yuzu Nintendo legal situation. This has made finding…
DKWDRV is here and I’ve waited until it’s been updated a bit more before sharing it with everyone on here. The developer has been pushing updates relatively frequently and I…