A Quick Video of the Psvita TV using TN-V4

The PSvita TV is a huge disappointment with being region locked to just Japan psn accounts and the list of compatible games makes for a poor PSvita gaming experience.  Now if you would like to run homebrew and other emulators, which is possible with either VHBL or TN-V4.

Now Mathieulh, of ps3 and psp hacking scene (remember pandora batteries), he happens to the other beta tester of  TotalNoob’s upcoming TN-v4, and a owner of  two  Japan-only  PSvita TVs. He was successful in get TN-V4 working on one of this Psvita TV’s. In my opinion if you wanted to get one, now is the time especially if you would like to run your old PSP umd’s on the big screen or if you would just like to have a homebrew console to play all your favorite retro games then the psvita TV  is for you. Here is a quick video by Mathieulh of the PSvita TV in action with TN-V4.

About hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.

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  1. Great work guys.

    Vita TV makes a mighty useful hdmi emu platform more appealng than OuYa or Retron 5.

    Is it even worth updating from the intial 2.60 firmware?

    • If you can stay on 2.60fw for the vita tv then you could use hi mem but if you had to DL the exploit then you would have to update the the newest FW