PS4 Glitch Lets You Watch Video Services Via Remote Play

Do you like remote play, and do wish you could watch videos with it, well now you can. The latest PS4 update (2.50) which added Suspend and Resume seems to have inadvertently opened up the way for a workaround to this “issue.

The reason you might want to do this is with the PSVita is it doesn’t have certain media apps that the PS4 has, such as Amazon Instant Video app. Also the PSTV doesn’t have a Netflix app. This has been one major cause of grief for the PSTV, but now that could all be behind us.PSTV

With this glitch, people who want to use apps like Amazon Instant Video on their Vita or Netflix on their PSTV will be able to do so. Of course, you have to own both a PS4 and a PSTV or Vita for this to work. (Unfortunately, although SharePlay works in a similar way to Remote Play, this workaround has been tested through SharePlay and does not work.

Here’s how it works:

When you are on your PS4, launch the video streaming service that you would like to view through your Vita or PlayStation TV.
After app has launched on PS4, press PS button on controller and go to the power menu. Select “Rest Mode”.
After letting the system go to rest mode, use the PSTV or Vita to boot up the PS4 with Remote Play.
Once remote play has started, go directly to that video app and you should be able to use it just like you would on the PS4.
Note: You can only do this with third party streaming apps like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Instant Video. First party services like PlayStation Video and PS Vue do not work and are still blocked. In addition, if you do not follow these steps and you try to launch from remote play without the Suspend/Resume function, you will be blocked from those other third party apps just like before.

Because this is a workaround and is now being published, do not expect it to last forever. Chances are, PlayStation will release a patch soon enough for this to be taken away. In the meantime, feel free to test it out!

I hope you find this cool and helpful like i did and as always you can find me on Twitter @riddle43
Source: G of

About riddle43

Do it for the love of the game.

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  1. Not really sure why they would patch this. But they love to patch things that have no reason to be patched so they prob will. Makes no sense. Doesn’t hurt anyone or their business. What’s the problem? I hate Sony sometimes!

    • Unfortunately, it is due to something called licensing.
      In short, this is the reason why one cannot purchase/download certain PSP games directly to the Vita/TV. Technically, the fact certain PSP games can be transferred from the PS3 but not directly available on the Vita/TV is due to these restrictions. In that specific instance, the license allows one to transfer the content from one device to the others, but not directly access it on the other devices.
      In the same way, video streaming services are fickle as well. Netflix and Hulu have not licensed their app on the PSTV because of license issues on their end as well. Crunchyroll even has limitations on what anime one can watch on the devices the service runs on. Many of my anime are only available on the PC.
      That being said, if Sony DOESN’T patch this, it is a violation of their license to provide the content.
      That being said, Sony does have a nasty habit of their own, and honestly, “useless” patches are not it.
      Sony patches their firmware due to exploits. They due this strictly because of piracy. This is an understandable practice. Why patch a firmware with no kxploit? because when a kxploit is found, usermode is a stepping stone to full exploitation and piracy. this is actually an understandable practice. they provide enough subtle changes to make up for “another useless firmware” such as changing an icon or something internally here and there.
      No, Sony’s flaws are:
      1: They lie. Blatantly.
      -Their lie: “Some PS1/PSP games will not work with the Vita”.
      -The truth: They cannot get a license to allow the redistribution of certain games on the Vita (or PSTV)
      2: They wont cover hacked and compromised users even with substantial evidence.
      3: They don’t properly support their devices.
      *Vita has lost Near and is loosing support for maps. What’s next?
      *Vita has limited PS3 support despite false advertisement.
      *Vita “Mystery Port” was originally intended to be a video out solution. This was abandoned for the PSTV which makes users pay more cash than a cable, and has less functionality in regards to games.
      *PSM is abandoned which limits the Vita/TV even more, and will force developers to either transfer their project, or abandon it. Don’t forget that developers had to pay money to develop on PSM properly, and recent payees will not receive a refund.
      Vita will receive no more AAA titles from Sony in “the foreseeable future”
      These are just examples of the Vita alone.

      Sony does a bunch of BS things, but their patching reasons are actually more sound than Nintendo’s.
      Webkit patching? Understandable for kernel exploitation. Ninjax patching? Barely understandable (a cease a desist letter for gameyob/classic consoles they support would be understandable for piracy reasons).

      Still, it is unfortunate licensing works that way. If these companies allowed feasible and free development, piracy wouldn’t be as big of a concern, as the ones actually hacking the devices for the right reasons won’t need to bother, and most consoles that are hard to hack with reasonable homebrew support would rarely see piracy.
      The biggest point companies need to learn is that they honestly loose very little money to piracy as people who wouldn’t pay for the game in the first place still won’t pay for it if piracy is an option. You cannot loose money you would ever have gotten. That is like claiming a non pirate user who doesn’t buy their games (e.g. borrow their friends copies) because of limited funds are stealing money. In reality, morals aside, this is laughably false, as chances are that with the funds, they would purchase the game. They still do not own the copy (its a friends) and in the future when dusting off the console, they cannot return to those said games unless they are lucky enough that said friend had the copy lying around. This does not make them a pirate, but the company who made the console still ever received funds for that game. So if said person pirated the game, they still had a profit loss for that one copy either way.
      morals aside again, that still doesn’t mean a company should ignore easy piracy, as that is irresponsible.
      The best solution is a middle ground.
      definitely going off topic a moment, the best solution I can devise is:
      1: Homebrew support with proper toolchain
      2: Proper support of device for loyal consumers.
      3: Implementing new and decent features rather than excuse garbage even when patching exploitation.
      4: All games must have a playable demo. No exceptions.
      5: Never refuse AAA titles for any product due to “Inconvenience” or low amount of sales.
      6: Actually listen to suggestions for features and improvement, aid and support in events of account compromisation , and ultimately don’t screw over your paying customers.

      This I believe would be an end all middle-ground for this whole battle.

  2. They will patch it cause it’s a unattended option and may open the door to more then just that but who knows lol