Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Man, Team Xecuter just keeps pumping out the updates. Now, granted, this may be the last one for the year since it ends on a solid number like 2.5. But who knows, maybe we’ll see a Christmas release. For now, let’s get down to business and show you what the 2.5 Beta has to offer.



  • ‘Fixed sleep mode in case of fuse mismatch
    Sleep/standby mode would break when your emuNAND was on a different firmware version than your actual system NAND. This has been resolved now. So from now on, you can run the latest and greatest firmware in emuNAND while at the same time keeping a lower firmware on your original system’s NAND. Nifty!
  • Added initial support for “Internet Local Wireless Play”
    Many of you have been requesting for us to add support for “local wireless play” tunneling over the internet. We have integrated this functionality into SX OS for you. This currently requires you to use a bit of software, LAN-Play on a computer to facilitate the tunneling. This software can be downloaded from the LAN-Play website: Check out their project, they are doing an amazing job. To enable “Internet Local Wireless Play” simply head into the SX Menu and head over to the “options” page. There’s a toggle for enabling and disabling this functionality at will now.’

Where to Buy:

Want to buy an SX Gear? The best current place to buy in the US, and generally has sales pretty often is from Mod3DSCard’s site. If you need an SX Core or SX Lite, their site may have some. But in the US, they’re a bit harder to find.


  1. Download the latest SX OS beta boot.dat file from xecuter.
  2. Insert your Switch’s microSD card into your computer.
  3. Drag and drop boot.dat file to the microSD card. If you have an old boot.dat file, let this overwrite it. If you’re a new SX OS user, this just sits on the root.
  4. Return your microSD card to your Switch and use it how you always have.
  5. Boot the system using the SX Pro dongle or the payload injection method as you always have.

If you like the author’s work, follow him on Twitter @V1RACY and don’t forget to enter the weekly giveaways!

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