Mon. Jan 20th, 2025

Detroit Maker Faire at The Henry Ford is a celebration of invention, technology, and art. An event that brings many people together to help broaden the imagination of others.
This year’s Maker Faire was a spectacular event as always. With makers from across the country coming together to share their projects while encouraging the dreams of others.



E-Blox is an excellent example of this. They can be used to build your heart’s desire and bring them to life.
Using a patented technology that consists of tin plated blocks (pARTS line) or copper pins and sockets with the (Circuit Builder line) that connect to a battery block, powering the electrical blocks. This means that you’ll be able to add Motors, speakers, and Bluetooth connectivity all with none or limited wires.

i3 Detroit

i3 Detroit was back and being the largest community-run Makerspace in Metro Detroit, and they had a lot to show.
One particular maker, Frank Palazzolo shared his project. A Radio Shack TR 6 – 80 data terminal, running with the help of a Raspberry Pi offers nice text-based gaming emulation.

Tiny Circuits

Good friends and Akron Ohio’s very own Tiny Circuits decided to drop by this year. They shared their new packaging for their Tiny Arcade, the do-it-yourself tiny arcade cabinet with style and flair. At the same time presenting other fun gadgets such as theĀ Pocket Arcade, Tiny Piano, and Tinysaber.

This year’s Detroit Maker Faire at The Henry Ford was is always a wonderful experience. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for interviews from some makers from this year’s event including Cubicorn Games a Michigan-based game company with eyes on the future.

Thank you for reading and please keep doing it for the Love of the Game.

By riddle43

Do it for the love of the game.