Sun. Dec 22nd, 2024

Today OneLua Team released a new version of Adrenaline Bubbles Manager if you don’t know about this application let me tell you that this app lets you manage your bubbles clones easily. You can create your own game bubbles, just need to add the ISO/CSO/PS1/Homebrew to the bubble, then add your own image and it’s ready!

You will see all your PSP/PS1/Homebrews in a list.

You can manage and create your own game bubbles in a simple way!

The new version (2.0) comes with these improvements:

  • Adrbblbooter plugin files updated to newest version (v0.4).
  • Added the option to use selected content’s pic1 as STARTDAT.PNG if found, otherwise, Lman’s plugin default STARTDAT.PNG will be used.
  • Now the function Disable Adrbblbooter Bubbles allows to:
    Eliminate the GAMEID.TXT and corresponding STARTDAT.png files from path “ux0:adrbblbooter/bubblesdb/”.
    Eliminate corresponding lines from ux0:tai/config.txt and reload config
    Eliminate the PBOOT.PBP from chosen bubble.
  • Code got cleaned up a bit.
  • Some esthetic changes.

I was a tester of this version, and it works perfectly! I could say that OneLuaTeam brings an excellent tool, this app simplifies a lot of steps and work! Give an opportunity, I could assure that you won’t regret to use it!

You can get the tool right here.

Here’s the GitHub page of OneLuaTeam: click here.

That’s it! Don’t forget to follow us: @HackInformer and @stevega94. Stay tune for more news!
