Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

The Evolution Championship Series (Evo for short) represents the largest and longest-running fighting game tournaments in the world. Evo 2017 will take place July 14-16, 2017 at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, Nevada and every year we at Hackinformer try to be there, this year is no exception.

Among the fights between the competitors in games such as Street Fighter 5, Tekken 7, and even  Super Smash Bros. for Wii U! This year though something has caught our eye and it’s something for one of my all time favorite systems the Sega Dreamcast.

From Videogamesnewyork an independent video game store located in the heart of the East Village New York. A company is known internationally for their unique collection of video game systems and games, American and imports.


This year they will be at Evo at booth #104 and will have Breakers for Sega Dreamcast! You can pick up a copy for only $39.99 while your there or even on their site here if you can’t make it to Evo this year.

Breakers is a competitive fighting game developed by Visco, which was released for the Neo Geo coin-operated platform on December 17, 1996 is now available for the Sega Dreamcast! 

Breakers feature a roster of eight playable characters. Additionally, each of the playable characters has a differently named palette-swapped alter-ego that each character face during the single-player mode instead of the usual clone. 


Official Licensed
Licensed by original developer Visco

Arcade Mode
Survival Mode
VS Only Mode

USA/JP Version: Manual & Instructions are printed in BOTH English and JAPANESE

Higher definition support using VGA cable connection

I have to say this is a treat for any Sega Dreamcast fan and invite you to find out more about Videogamesnewyork and to enjoy Evo 2017!Available exclusively from Videogamesnewyork in the USA and Canada.

Thanks for reading and keep doing it for the love of the game.

By riddle43

Do it for the love of the game.