Lua Player Plus by Rinnegatamante is a Lua Interpreter for the Playstation Vita. It runs with Lua 5.3.3 and features a Debug FTP Server for runtime debugging. According to Rinnegatamante someone once requested 4 Player Controller Support and he is now nearly finished implementing it so that it can be used in homebrew.
Here’s the full list of things Lua Player Plus is able to do by now:
- Advanced 2D Graphics Rendering (GPU)
- Basic 3D Graphics Rendering (GPU Soft-rendered)
- Native support to 0BJ models
- Native support to TTF fonts
- Native support to BMP/PNG/JPG images
- Complete sound system with support for:
- WAVEform audio files (.wav) with PCM8/PCM16/ADPCM codecs.
- Audio Interchange File Format audio files (.aif/.aiff) with PCM8/PCM16 codecs.
- Moving Picture Expert Group-1/2 Audio Layer 3 audio files (.mp3) with MPEG-1 Audio Layer III/MPEG-2 Audio Layer III codecs.
- Musical Instrument Digital Interface audio files (.midi).
- Ogg Media audio files (.ogg/.opus) with Vorbis/Opus codecs.
- Controls system with full console support
- Support to dualshock rumble feature for PSTV.
- Support to home button locking/unlocking
- Built-in debug FTP server
- Complete sockets system support
- Access to a lot of Sony syscalls
- I/O access for any filesystem
- Native support to ZIP archives
- Native support to SFO file descriptors
- Timer system
- Advanced arithmetical functions support (math library)
If you want to get the latest nightly you can download it from their official nightly builder. The Nightlies will be done every 4 hours.
I’m curious what we will see with this new 4 Player controller support on a Playstation TV. I hope we get some fun Multiplayer Homebrew you can play with your Friends or Family.
Source: Rinnegatamante