Tue. Jan 21st, 2025

01e431032b43500746f984ad5ba897c44217a60722243a74a9pimgpsh_fullsize_distrToday I bring to you a something that Nintendo didn’t do for whatever reason for Super Mario Maker 3DS. SMMOCM by tesnos  (Super Mario Maker Online Course Manager) is one homebrew answer to creating and sharing your own levels in Super Mario Maker 3DS just like the Wii-U. This is something that Nintendo wouldn’t or couldn’t do.

Here is what he has said on his Github page,

An official release should drop with browsing support and Makers of Mario integration within 2 – 3 weeks (Hopefully). There still is no official server as of this release.


Unzip everything into /3ds/SMMOCM/, create the folder /SMMOCM/ at your sd card’s root, and you should be ready to go!


Yay, it doesn’t hurt my eyes!smmocm

There was a GUI added, it might not work for XL users (create an issue if it doesn’t, it should be a one-day fix). You can also launch the game from SMMOCM, which is nice and convenient (Only for N3DS(XL) users). There was probably some other stuff since the last release, but I don’t remember what all I added so this is the changelog for now. Oh yeah, browsing isn’t ready yet.

About Makers of Mario support should come within a two weeks or so

That way there is a dedicated server run by people with actual PHP experience, and it should provide a good way to add a metadata system (stars, comments, etc.). Also, when this gets done browsing should be done as well, so you can actually see other people courses without having to visit a forum page.ktuvu26edoo3gitescr7

As of right now there is not a server set up for this but soon it will become available and then we will all be able to trade our custom Super Mario Maker 3DS levels.

You can grab a copy here and reach out if you have a server you could share to help with the sharing of all the custom levels.

Thanks for reading and keep doing it for the love of the game.


By riddle43

Do it for the love of the game.