Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Most of us have dreamt of the day when the PSVita would get its own CFW like its older bother the PSP and with the release of HENkaku so many next doors have opened up to the PSVita. We have seen quite a few new homebrews, emulators and even plugins developed for it. An just when you though things couldn’t get any better for the PSVita they release taiHEN a CFW framework with plugins for the kernel, system, games, and much more.taihenkaku

“taiHENkaku is everything you know and love about HENkaku and more. Just like before, you can run your favorite homebrew games, emulators, and tweaks. However, this update brings the addition of plugins as well. Based off of technology similar to Cydia Substrate (specifically thanks to substitute), taiHEN allows developers to write hooks and patches to remix games, system applications, and the kernel.

“Calling all developers! We need you to create some awesome new tweaks using taiHEN! With the new hooking system, the possibilities are endless: cheats, UI tweaks, screen casting, and more. But we need your help is making it all a reality. Get started by downloading the latest kernel enabled toolchain and the taiHEN library. Check out the API documentation for taiHEN. Join us in the #vitasdk chatroom in FreeNode IRC for help and support.”

“As promised, this is the big HENkaku update. In addition to the major plumbing overhaul, we added some new features to HENkaku too:henkaku

  • Loading compressed FSELFs are supported now
  • VitaShell is updated to 1.42 with a brand new HENkaku configuration menu that allows user configuration of PSN version spoofing. (Note at the time of writing, VitaShell has not been updated yet. I will push an update as soon as it is out.)
  • Unsafe homebrew is disabled by default: This change means that some of your homebrew will not launch immediately. Before you panic, go into molecularShell, press Start, enter the HENkaku configuration menu and choose to enable unsafe homebrew. You also need to do this to use system and kernel plugins. More information on this change can be found here. (Note, this feature is disabled in the beta currently because the VitaShell configuration options is not out yet. It will be enabled as soon as that’s done.)

Because this is a major update with a significant increase in complexity, we are releasing it as an open beta. The changes mostly benefit developers wanting to write plugins with taiHEN so that is the target audience. To install it, reboot your Vita and visit You can always go back to the last stable release from the regular site

Note on the beta: It is currently in an unstable state. Some features such as PSN spoofing do not currently work. I hope to resolve the issues in the upcoming days. Meanwhile, I hope that developers can start writing plugins immediately while I iron out the issues. Again, the beta is only recommended for developers making plugins and is of no benefit currently for regular users.”

I can’t wait to see what get developed for a system that had such great potential but Sony just dropped before it could get off the ground in my opinion. You can also find the largest resources of Vita internals and hacking on  to help in any endeavors you may have.

You should check out Yifan blog here and Davee here for more details behind taihen.



By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.