Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

As I promised when I released the v2.1 of PSVita DB Theme Installer, I worked the last month to do a sort of “porting” of the Custom Theme Manager for PSVita, so as you can download, install and uninstall Custom Themes without the need of a PC, directly from the console. And today I’m here to introduce the first public version of this application 🙂

Custom theme manager

Custom Theme Manager is a simple application for PlayStation Vita that allows you, as the name implies, to fully manage your Custom Themes direcly from the console. The user can browse, view, download and install Custom Themes from the online repository of on his PSVita directly from the same application, without the need to use the Internet Browser, external apps or mods to the database or to connect the console to a PC. This application also includes a function to completely uninstall any Custom Theme you don’t like anymore so as to free up space for new themes, again without the need of a PC or having to format the whole Memory Card. Included also an useful feature to create and restore (in case you need) a backup of your own database (app.db file). Finally, the application also includes a handy function to reboot your PSVita, saving you the trouble to manually shutdown and restart it, useful to correctly apply changes and avoid any bug after Custom Theme(s) installation or uninstallation.

The following is the list of features you can find in this first version:

  • First public version
  • GUI with the use of the system font (thx to libvita2d):Custom theme manager
  • Ability to connect to the online repository of directly from the app and browse between hundreds of available Custom Themes:Custom theme manager
  • Ability to view a preview of homescreen and lockscreen of the Custom Theme directly from the app:Custom theme manager Custom theme manager
  • Ability to read all the details available for the Custom Theme in the repository, such as author, version, description and, above all, the tests results:Custom theme manager Custom theme manager
  • Ability to show all the Custom Themes available in the online repository as a grid with thumbnails or as a simple list, all at full user’s choice:Custom theme manager
    Custom theme manager
  • Ability to switch between the view modes keeping the selected Custom Theme: this means that if you select a Custom Theme in grid view mode and then switch to the list view mode the Custom Theme selected on the list will be the same you selected in the grid view mode. Of course it works also vice-versa.
  • Ability to download all the preview images of the Custom Themes available in the repositories at once, so as to speed up the performance of browsing in future:Custom theme manager
  • Ability to download any Custom Theme in the online repository directly from the app:Custom theme manager
    Custom theme manager
  • The program includes an automatic function for extracting ZIP packages of the Custom Themes:Custom theme manager
  • The program performs a check on data extracted from the ZIP package of the Custom Themes, asking the user for a confirmation before proceeding to write data into the database:Custom theme managerThis way if the downloaded data got corrupted or if occurred errors while extracting the ZIP package, the user can delete the downloaded files and prevent the writing into the database to avoid any corruption.
  • Ability to view the title of all the Custom Theme currently installed in the database in a handy list with real-time thumbnail preview of the Custom Theme taken directly from its files currently on the Memory Card:Custom theme manager
    Custom theme manager
  • Ability to know how many space take in total the Custom Themes currently installed on PSVita directly from the home page of the list of Custom Themes installed.
  • Ability to view additional information about the Custom Theme which is currently installed on the Memory Card, such as author, path, preview images (these always loaded directly from the Custom Theme’s files) and how many space the Custom Theme takes individually on the Memory Card:Custom theme manager
  • Ability to uninstall any of the installed Custom Themes:Custom theme manager
    Custom theme managerThe uninstallation procedure includes, in addition to remove the related row from the internal database, even the deletion of all the Custom theme’s files from the Memory Card, all done automatically by the program itself.
  • For clarity and ease of use, the list relating to Custom Theme installed will NOT include the Official Themes, since those are easily uninstallable from the PSVita Theme and Backgrounds Settings.
  • Ability to view the amount of files in the application’s cache:Custom theme manager
  • Ability to manually clean up the cache of the app through a specific function.
  • Ability to manually create a backup of your database (app.db file):Custom theme manager
    Custom theme manager
  • Ability to manually restore a previously created backup of your database (app.db file):Custom theme manager
  • Ability to use the left analog stick to quickly scroll the lists.
  • Ability to instantly reboot the console directly from the application, so without having to turn off and on manually.
  • All the available commands will be always visible to the user on every page thanks to a footer in the page.
  • The program will NOT create any folder inside your Memory Card, in fact all the downloaded files will end up in the application’s cache located into savedata0:/, so when you’ll choose to remove the program you’ll delete all the data downloaded automatically, for a complete cleaning.
  • Ability to view the changelog for application’s updates directly from the PSVita official menu:Custom theme manager
    Custom theme manager


Of course, since this is my first PSVita app, surely there will be bugs or some things to improve, so I created an official page for this project on Bitbucket where you can report any bugs or issues, as well as suggestions for enhancements and proposals. Please use its issue tracker (it does not require a registration) so as I can keep track of all your bug reports and suggestions without losing anything on the way 😉

Download: CTManager.vpk

By redsquirrel87

I'm an Italian guy with the fondness of programming, videogames, web, manga, anime, football. My PSN, XBOX Live, Nintendo ID and Steam contact: "redsquirrel87".