Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Holy Cow gamers we may have the release date of the Nintendo NX or this might be just another rumor! So let take this with a grain of salt.


According to UK supermarket Tesco, the date, and price may have been put up on their site. It as of writing this has it listed with a date and price way before we all thought.

It seems they took it down but not before a few sites got wind of it. The listing had it for a release of 12/31/2016 and a price of £349.99.

It’s likely that both the date and price were placeholders but Nintendo has worked closely with Tesco before when sales of the Wii U were suffering, so there’s a possibility that the information could be legitimate.

Whether it’s the real date and price is yet to be seen, but I for one am ready to give Nintendo my cash for their latest system.

As soon as we hear more on this we will be sure to let you all know but for know, it seems we may have to wait just a bit longer but with PS VR hitting this holiday season Nintendo really needs to bring their A-game to this party.

Thanks for reading and keep doing it for the love of the game.


By riddle43

Do it for the love of the game.