Sat. Dec 21st, 2024

Earlier today out pointed out a post on our forums that would let you use DEX CMA to only copy the game save data from each game. As we all know that downloading/uploading each game just for the game save in it, can take up a lot of time and space on your PC or MAC. If you like to know more about DEX CMA you can read about it  here.ImageNow developer d3m3vilurr has released a nice tool that will dump only the game save from a Vita game and it can detect cartridges for dumping game saves too. It will also allow you to either import or export a game save.


This tool can be quite useful when you don’t have a ton of space on your PC or Mac.



  • Add helper messages
  • Detect cartridge for save dump


  • Fix crash at startup with non print games.
  • Support unmatched TITLE_ID games like Gundam Breaker 3 Asia version.


  • Fix cannot decrypt problem of physical copy Gundam breaker 3 asia version
  • not support cartridge version muramasa rebirth


  • Support encrypted digital games; Thanks @mopi1402
  • Revert some codes for Gundam Breaker3 AV; so may not support this game. 🙁
  • Remove rinCheat’s code

This version 0.5.0 can be unstable. Please, backup using CMA before use this application.



  • Fix broken import process of 0.5.0
  • Support save export/import of abnormal titleid games like YS8 HK
  • Add icon & livearea 🙂

How to use

  1. Install vpk
  2. Launch savemgr in Home shell
  3. Select game
  4. Wait 3sec, will auto launch dumper
  5. Dump or Restore game save.
  6. Exit with X (DO NOT FORCE CLOSE)
  7. Auto relaunch savemgr, then cleanup injected things.
  8. Repeat 3~7 steps or close savemgr
  9. Play game.

Download: savemgr.vpk


By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.