Access SDK, Docs and publish on the eShop
On July 6, 2016, Nintendo merged the Wii U Developers Program and the Nintendo Developers portals.
Not only do Wii U Developers program members get access to 3DS development software, but the entry requirements have been lowered big time.
You can now sign up, agree to the NDA, and access the full portal, even without being a Wii U Developers Program member!
What does this mean?
Nintendo will allow all developers to download their SDK tools, access the docs, buy developer hardware or even publish your games to the eShop for free!
Keep in mind, however, that Nintendo will not allow you to publish your project(s) to the eShop unless you buy a development console for the platform(s) that you have made your project(s) for.
Of course, if publishing projects(s) for the eShop does not interest you, and/or you do not have the money for a development console, that does not stop you from allowing other people who have signed the NDA from enjoying your project(s) with 3DS CFW (after converting them from a dev build to a retail one) or Loadiine! The other great thing about this is that you do not have to follow the restrictions that Lotcheck enforces!
Examples of the benefits of creating project(s) that are not being developed for the eShop include:
- ARM11 kernel access for your CTR-SDK project(s)!
- Being able to port and further develop fanmade Unity projects with Nintendo or another company’s IP! One example is taking the Super Mario 64 HD project source code and using it to develop Super Mario 64 U. (Touchscreen map on the GamePad like in the DS version anyone?
Here are some tips for users who are having trouble with setting up an account:
- Putting a check on the box for “This organization has an existing publishing agreement with Nintendo.” can sometimes lead to you receiving the confirmation emails faster.
- Make sure that you check for two emails; one with a link for confirming the registration, and another with a link to the NDA.
- If you are having trouble logging in after this, then follow these steps for creating a new password to replace the randomly generated one that Nintendo gave you.
- Go to
- Select the My Information tab on the left.
- Select the Edit User tab below the black navigation bar on the top.
- Type a new password into each of the New Password form boxes.
- You should now be able to log in successfully!
Have you already created an account?
Do you think this will help to improve eShop content, or only hacking?