Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

For the pass few weeks, NWPlayer123 has been showing us sneak peaks at another kernel exploit for the WiiU. Well, today we have some bad news as someone leaked it.


Like all leaks, they are never good, as most of the time, they are not ready for a public release and still need cleaning up to run probably. This leak started a wild fire over at gbatemp and when you read the comments you can see a lot of them don’t like it either, but I’d say it’s like a 50/50 as some are happy to see something get released.

In all the commotion, NWPlayer123 does release it. (Download files are at the bottom of the page)WiiU

“Well, I suppose y’all can stop derailing that other thread, yes it is my server setup which I only sent to two people (everyone else only got the exploit binaries, not the server with the rest of the other payloads)
It’s just HaxServer with Java 8, from here
run it via command line, “java -jar HaxServer.jar”, or if your computer has it set up just double click the jar to run it
needs to be able to bind to port 80 which is why I recommend making sure Skype’s not open and using command line cause it’ll complain
Then find your local IP, “ipconfig”, and go to http://<localip>/hax?kexploit31 or kexploit10 if you wanna be arrpirate loadiine me matey”

Kernel Exploit usage:

Homebrew Launcher Usage:

Loadiine Usage:

Here are the files via Reddit.

Download: Wii U Kernel Exploit

  • 1) reverse folder names
  • 2) delete that dumb WithLove.png
  • 3) install java 8+
  • 4) java -jar HaxServer.jar
  • 5) http://<localip>/hax?kexploit31
  • OR
  • 5) http://<localip>/hax?kexploit10
  • OR
  • 5) http://<localip>/hax?loadiine

Now some people are reporting a few errors, but that’s expected with a leak. If you need a helping hand getting it up and running check out this thread over at GBAtemp here or the videos below.

Helpful links:
Load Kernel Exploit:
Load Kernel Exploit Tutorial:
Kernel Exploit (For self-hosting):
Loadiine Download:
Homebrew Launcher Download:

Thanks for the tip shadowharold20


By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.