Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

As REBUG Team member Evilsperm hinted on Twitter that the finally got a 4.76 DEX Firmware for the PS3 here it is now. REBUG 4.76.1-REX/D-REX for our PS3s :D. With this release they updated COBRA from version 7.1 to 7.2 and updated the REBUG Toolbox to version 2.02.08 which fixed a crash with the mamba payload due to syscall 8 handling. They also added a Host IP Adress Display on DEX Mode and what I like the most is the ability to finally watch DVDs and Bluerays in DEX Mode.

This CFW is only for PS3 Models up to 2,5k. Newer Slim Models and Super Slim are NOT Supported! And of course you will need to have a CFW already installed or be on 3.55 to install this CFW!
The Download link for the CFW can be found on the bottom of the Post on as always 🙂

Installation method is the same as any other CFW/MFW/OFW.
Just make a Folder called PS3 on the root of your USB and in that folder make a folder called UPDATE. Just copy the Rebug 4.76.1 in there and rename it to PS3UPDAT.PUP. Then just plug your USB into your PS3 and update via USB.

After installation the Webman and Cobra mode will be disabled. You will have to activate it by using these Steps:
1.Go to the Package installer and install the 02.02.08 Rebug Toolbox which is copied to your HDD after installing Rebug 4.76.1
2.Install Rebug Toolbox 02.02.08 and launch it.
3.If you want Cobra and Webman you need to enable both settings. After that just exit and your PS3 will restart.
You now have Webman and Cobra enabled 🙂

If you want to support Team Rebug you can donate to them via:

Now is the Question: When will we see a new Firmware update from Sony…? Looking at the past releases probably soon so enjoy going online without a spoof for now 🙂


By Darthsternie

Interested in everything Technical. Loves self-repairing Tech. Collector of Firmwares. Enthusiast Gamer and Anime Fan ^^