the old hunters

Review: The Old Hunters DLC for Bloodborne!

Hey there Bloodborne fans and Noobs, ss4gogeta069 back with an addition to Bloodborne, The Old Hunters, and a mighty good one in my humble, ok maybe not so humble, opinion.

the old hunters

So, approximately 10 months after the main game was released From Software put out the one, and only, DLC for Bloodborne called The Old Hunters. It’s basically a new trek through the same area, only it’s in the “Hunter’s Nightmare” which is a place every hunter ends up when they become “drunk” with blood.

the old hunters

The areas will look familiar and new all at the same time. The one thing you’ll notice right off the bat in The Old Hunters is there aren’t a lot of monsters in the DLC. If you’re anything like me when you played through Bloodborne there was one enemy that gave you more trouble than any other, the hunters you encounter in various areas. Well, prepare yourself because you’re about to be inundated with hunters. Lots and lots of hunters. They even come with new weapons that, if you rush in unprepared, can render you wondering what happened as you awaken at the last lamp you visited.

To access the DLC, once purchased of course, you need to pick up the item in the hunter’s dream and travel to Cathedral Ward. Go out of the left exit and walk over to the spot where the Amygdala tries to grab you and teleport you early in the game. Well, this time, with the “Eye of the Blood-Drunk Hunter” in hand, let him grab you. He will transport you to the Hunter’s Nightmare.

the old hunters

Basically The Old Hunters DLC is a delight and a nightmare all at the same time. You have fresh content and new enemies, weapons and bosses. There are some really spectacular weapons like the Beast Cutter, which is like the Threaded Cane mixed with the Saw Cleaver it it were an axe, and my personal favorite, the Whirlygig Saw, which is a work of art in my opinion. The first boss you encounter is the namesake of the magnificent greatsword, Ludwig, and is a chore regardless of your level. If you go into this DLC when you’re first able to, which is after you’ve defeated the Blood-Starved Beast and Vicar Amelia, it’s not going to be a fun playthrough. I will promise you that death will come quickly and quite often. Now, if you wait until late game to go in there it won’t be quite as bad but you will still die.

the old hunters
Beast Cutter

My best advice is watch out for the hunters with the Boom Hammer. They wrecked my game more times than I would like to admit.

On a serious note this DLC is a tribute to the ability of From Software to bring awesome content and falls right in with the difficulty they’re known for. If you liked Bloodborne you should definitely pick up the DLC. You’ll enjoy the new enemies and all of the hunters that you really can’t cheese. You have to strategically defeat them.

the old hunters

I’ll leave you with one of my very own hard-fought victories that was also my third time fighting the same hunter. He had already killed me twice and I was fuming. Enjoy and as always HAPPY GAMING!!!


About JohnthePooka

Just your friendly neighborhood redneck from Alabama keeping things interesting. I cling to my God, my games and my guns! Roll Tide and HAPPY GAMING!! You can find me on Facebook and Twitter @johnfrazarjr

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