Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

I have been waiting for this moment for an extensive amount of time. The wait is over and some PS2 games are finally available to play!!! 😀 PlayStation E3 Press Conference Live streamed on June 10, 2013 6:00pm PDT. To my delight, they presented wonderful images including one of my favorite PS2 titles, Dark Cloud.Screenshot (10) However, that was over 2 years ago and no PS2 titles were in sight at the time. I assumed Sony had planned to launch their huge library on PS Now Service. I personally believe this service is a waste of money and bandwidth. More and more Internet Providers are raising the costs of plans and limiting the amount of data used. Using PS Now daily would effectively drain your data for the month and leave a bad taste in your mouth. Until Net Neutrality is banned and overturned from court, PS Now will not be possible for many people.

I have seen a lot of hate and criticism for the PS2 announcement not allowing you to use your own copies of the available games. I completely understand that and most definitely the lack of Cross-Play is disappointing. Microshaft does offer a better backwards compatible program and that’s great for the couple of you out there. But for newcomers and fans without their old beloved copies, here’s a bright side. Some of these digital releases are actually cheaper than re-buying used copies that may or may not work. Buying used media online, you take the risk of not getting refunded. As it stands, here is the selection with digital and physical copies are in bold.

The prices displayed are the typical for Brand New Sealed Copies/Like New. Prices may change over time like the incident the Wii suffered with Xenoblade Chronicles inventory.

  • Dark Cloud                                      $14.99/$19.99
  • Grand Theft Auto III                    $14.99/$18.17
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City        $14.99/$17.95
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas  $14.99/$17.95
  • Rogue Galaxy                                  $14.99/$40.99
  • The Mark of Kri                              $14.99/$17.55
  • Twisted Metal: Black                     $9.99/$9.00
  • War of the Monsters                      $9.99/$16.49

Screenshot (11)As a veteran of the dark cloud series only one question remains, does it run smoother and play better? I urge anyone who plans on getting any of these releases to try them out. I plan to fully see how it holds up the original and will let everyone know my findings. I expect glitches to be there from the old version and hope newer ones present once be a deal breaker. Are you happy with Sony’s announcements? What are the next titles your hoping to release? Share your thoughts and views in the comments below. Be sure to check out our PS4 community and chat with us, share your PS2 screenshots and more 😀

Team Hackinformer signing out


By 8BitBang

I like to provide useful information and test it out for you. Life has many problems down the road and Hackinformer shouldn't be one of them! :) Blogger on Hackinformer and follow me on twitter @8BitBang PS4 FW Latest WiiU FW5.3.2 (Homebrew) Wii FW Latest (Homebrew) PS Vita 1001 FW3.18 (TN-V, TN-X and Unity) New 3DS XL Majora's Mask FW9.0 (CFW) New 3DS FW10.3 (Homebrew) Old 3DS FW Latest Old 3DS FW9.2 (CFW) Old 3DS FW4.5 (CFW)