It’s Friday and PlayStation is having yet another flash sale. This flash sale is not that great and there are barely any good PSVita games.These flash sales have become a regular thing and it’s either a hit or miss with PlayStation. The last flash sale was awesome and filled with all kind of great games for each system. This flash sale isn’t a total lost; here are a few games I would recommend getting.
PS4: Metro Redux $12.50
PS4: Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture $8.00
PS3: BioShock $3.00
PS3: BioShock 2 $3.00
PS3: BioShock Infinite $8.00
PS3: Darksiders II $6.00
PS3: I Am Alive $3.00
PSVita: Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward $10.00
You can check out the rest of the flash sale here.