Just a few days ago iOS 9 was launched right after Apple’s event and guess what, it’s been Jailbroken already by iH8sn0w.
Most of you know the developer/hacker iH8sn0w, who has made jailbreak tools like Sn0wbreeze and P0sixspwn. Now this Jailbreak is not public at this time and there are no plans for a release either. iOS 9 isn’t due for a public release until the 16th of September.
Apple has made iOS 9 available to developers so they can make any changes to their software if they need to, before iOS9 goes public. iOS 9 Gold Master and iOS 9.1 beta 1 versions can be downloaded at Apple’s Developer Center.
It’s unreal how fast iH8sn0w was able to do this, but he is a very talented developer/hacker and here is what he had to say about it.
“Poking into iOS 9 is fun. A little annoyed at some new things. But very surprised at how similar it is to iOS 8 internally.
Worth noting, iOS 9+ arm64 iDevices now enforce a checksum on __TEXT/DATA.const regions of the kernel through the use of TrustZone. Modifying said sections will cause the device to panic (either at kernel or EL3 will force a reboot if the kernel refused to gracefully panic). Essentially, it’s KPP (Kernel Patch Protection). You can race it though if you want to play with things. Just be quick! ;P
Also, there should technically now be two additional partitions (baseband_data [s1s3] and logs [s1s4]) but didn’t really bother with those as they weren’t critical.”
iH8snow said that he doesn’t have any plans for a release, but seeing that it can be done other developers/hackers might be able to make something happen and release a new jailbreak for iOS 9.
That’s great news
iOS 9 have a lots of new features in it
With Cydia it will be even better
one of the most important feature is that the space issue solved
many of the 16GB users will have a lil more free space after update now…that’s what apple said though,have to wait and see for ourselfs