Thanks to endrift, GameBoy Advance is finally running natively on PS Vita.
Update: I accidentally missed Alpha 2. The download link has been updated. Also, the emulator now has menus.
Today endrift released alpha of his GameBoy Advance emulator called mGBA Vita. It’s a port of his own emulator mGBA running on various PC operating systems.
At the moment, mGBA Vita is in really early alpha. Supports only 1 game and 1 save but menus are coming soon. mGBA now has menus. Audio is “mostly working”. Another planned feature are speedups.
How to run mGBA Vita (update d):
– put your roms to VitaDefilerClient/Documents/GBA
– run mgba.velf (either by dropping it on run_homebrew.bat or through VHL)
Additional information (updated):
– this is only GameBoy Advance emulator, for GameBoy/GameBoy Color check out xerpi’s RealBoy
– if you don’t know how to use FTPVita, check out Freakler’s guide
– for more PS Vita homebrew go to Vita Dev Wiki
Source: Twitter