Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025


Just last week we showed you guys the dumped files of Welcome Park by Mr.Gas @gabaas1 and Major Tom @frtomtomdu80. Well today they released them!!
(The Welcome Park is a Stock app stored in the pd0:/ partition and about ~100mb in size.)

What can we actually do with those files now?

Weelll, for now its still more of a proof of concept. We are not able to install them back via CMA or something. But you can get an idea of the filesystem of such stock apps and enjoy the (in)famous Intro Movie over and over again.. 😉

welcome park4

What can we expect from this? Whats next?

At first it’s great to see one is actually able have access to files on this level. Maybe we will soon see the possibility to delete unneeded system apps or even modify the files to trigger a Usermode exploits. Who knows?! On the other side using the welcome park on the PSTV is possible already..

Does this mean we could have the Maps app back for example?

I talked to Major_Tom about this and it would be great of course but unfortunately its not that easy:

Regarding the maps app, it’s different, if Sony removed files from vs0, there’s no way to fake install it.

But one step after another.. This is great news and Sony definitively won’t like this at all. Seems like everything is coming together lately, we have quite some good hombrews now and getting deeper and deeper in the hidden secrets of the Vita.

Download here: NPXS10007_WELCOME_BARKING.ZIP

Catch me on twitter: @freakler94

By Freakler

Moin! Occasional programmer, number 2 here at & creator of the PlayStationGuide. I mainly talk about console-hacking related stuff..