Well known frangarcj, the author of the PS Vita Atari Lynx emulator called HandyVITA, released the first alpha of another project of his, an emulator of NeoGeo Pocket and NeoGeo Pocket Color.
RaceVita is the NeoGeo Pocket and NeoGeo Pocket Color emulator. It’s a port of PSP emulator Race! PSP. At the moment, neither sound nor saving work, and the purpose of this alpha (2.16) is to test if roms work. Also, the alpha contains some options from the PSP version, so you can, for example, change screen size.
How to run RaceVíta:
– download background.png and put it to cache0:/VitaDefilerClient/Documents using FTP Vita
– put your desired rom also to cache0:/VitaDefilerClient/Documents using FTPVita
– run RACE.0.5.elf (either by dropping it on run_homebrew.bat or through VHL)
Additional information:
– make sure that background.png and roms are in VitaDefilerClient/Documents, don’t put them in any subfolders
– report working/not working games to frangarcj
– if you don’t know how to use FTPVita, check out Freakler’s guide
– for more PS Vita homebrew go to Vita Dev Wiki
DOWNLOAD RaceVita alpha
Source: GitHub