Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

The credits go to Marionumber1, The Kit, Bubba, Comex, Relys, Chadderz, NWPlayer123, Hykem and others have made decent progress on their browser exploit. As it stands only an userland exploit has been released and it mostly intented for devs. The Kernel exploit gives PPC access  and don’t expect full blown piracy with this upcoming release.

Cafiine and UWizard have been used as proof of concept and have only modify games, like wii homebrew application Riivolution. As you can see the drive is away from piracy! Personally, I love this kind of development as it breathes new life into old games. It’s rare when homebrew has this kind of quality and integrity. But when it does, you realise the brilliant dedication of the community. Mods like NEWER super mario bros and Super Smash Bros Project M have had overwhelming success. So much that nintendo has seen the interest of game mods and has decided to release an full blown mario maker!

If you updated your WiiU, I promise there will be other exploits. There is not standard firmware to be on and will be probably ongoing until enough devs can utilize the WiiU SDK in progress. I doubt many devs can resist the urge to try out all the new games coming out soon! Comex himself is an avid splatoon fan! 🙂

Like most new nintendo games updates will be mandatory. Projected ideas are booting into different OS, in hopes of reliving the Trinux project.

Exploit List

2.0.1 – Not Done

2.1.0 – Not Done

3.0.1 – Working UserLand /Kernal /IOSU Exploit

3.0.2 – Working UserLand /Kernal/IOSU Exploit

3.1.0 – Working UserLand /Kernal/ IOSU Exploit

4.0.0 – Working Userland Exploit

4.1.0 – Working Userland Exploit

5.0.0 – Working Userland/Kernal Exploit

5.1.1 – Working Userland/Kernal Exploit

5.1.2 – Working Userland

5.2.0 – Working Userland

5.3.2 – Working Userland/Kernal Exploit

5.4.0 – Ongoing Progress


You must understand the WiiU community determines how successful homebrew can and will be. Webkit exploits are often discussed and used as clickbait articles. The main purpose of webkit exploits are to attract devs to the scene. Theres still alot of work until this development bears fruit for the typical user. Especially with recent leaks and other teams trying to utilize their work. We all know how well the ps vita webkit work went.

In the meantime, you can enjoy said mods on the WiiU via the homebrew channel in wii mode. I recommend trying out Newer and Project M as Riivolution is fully compatible! 🙂 I have had a blast with them and you can check out these rad sites to get setup.

Homebrew Channel/Riivolution

Newer Super Mario Bros

Super Smash Bros Project M

Team Hackinformer signing out

By 8BitBang

I like to provide useful information and test it out for you. Life has many problems down the road and Hackinformer shouldn't be one of them! :) Blogger on Hackinformer and follow me on twitter @8BitBang PS4 FW Latest WiiU FW5.3.2 (Homebrew) Wii FW Latest (Homebrew) PS Vita 1001 FW3.18 (TN-V, TN-X and Unity) New 3DS XL Majora's Mask FW9.0 (CFW) New 3DS FW10.3 (Homebrew) Old 3DS FW Latest Old 3DS FW9.2 (CFW) Old 3DS FW4.5 (CFW)