Alot of people have expressed concerns and feedback on the Gateway DS Profile exploit for the N3DSXL. So the Gateway team has updated the blue cart GW_INSTALLER.nds to support the N3DSXL. 3.2.1 brings options to boot into SYSNAND mode by simply holding B while booting into Gateway mode or Classic mode.
You will then be asked to confirm booting into SYSNAND mode by pressing X. You now have access to another alternative to reinstall NVRAM other than the Gateway menu. With this option you no longer need another SD card (with no Emunand) to swap out to install the NVRAM on the SYSNAND. Currently there is still no support for emuNAND 9.7 for the N3DSXL. As always remember the precautions when using this method and enjoy!
Grab the latest release here
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