Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Hi everyone! As the title says, I’m here to give you my personal experience on the upcoming DragonBall Xenoverse.

I was luckily chosen by Sony’s to be a beta tester for 24 hours on there network test.



Sorry for the bad quality photos, but they were taken with one hand ;)

The launch of the game took us immediately to the home screen, without any animation, the minimum required where there and only needed a touch of a button.



On the next screen we are asked to choose between two types of races, in the full version of the game you will also be able to pick one of frieza races, but in the demo test you can only choose between the Saiyan & Namek race, also you will be able to choose the sex of the character you want to play with.

Once you complete your choice from here you will be able to change our character as you like. From the hair to the color of there eyes, finally after you have saved your profile, you must choose what to do if you get in a single lobby or in a multiplayer lobby.

Entering the multiplayer lobby, you’ll find yourself in a place very similar to that of the Tower of Destiny called Toki Toki City. Where you can meet all the players connected to the network, in addition to Destiny that your character can perform like greetings, dances towards others players, but unlike Destiny can change the costume of your character at any time. When approaching another player it will be highlighted by a cursor, giving us the ability to analyze all the characteristics of his avatar.

In the city we found 2 places for the network battles called Network Battle Reception and Network Quest Reception.

In the other Area we can access a multiplayer Quest, where we can fight an important event of the DB storyline. In this case Radish vs Goku and Piccolo, but this time we are in support to Radish and this will change the story….

Unfortunately my test finished just during the battle so I could not do more photos, but I can draw conclusions rather than positive.
The game despite being a beta and more at the weekend has not submitted any lag with respect to the multiplayer segment.

The cell shading of the characters while not definitive is pure “eye candy” (to quote Hackinformer;))
Surely the online capabilities greatly increase the longevity of the title certainly, for the “old” fans, it will be like a nice breath of fresh air in a stale brand.
My impressions are more than positive about it and all I can do now is wait foaming at the mouth with the release of this fantastic title.

I hope not inciting hatred towards me with this article that I prepared just thinking about you guys.

As always i invite you to leave comments below and follow me on my twitter @666darkamon666 for more interesting articles and updates.

See ya!




By Rocco Antonio Cannale

I dig the web to find always fresh news about the tech world, from gaming to smartphones through pc and reviews. I've grown with bread and videogames since the first time I saw one.