Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Today, PSV/PS4 dev SKFU released his method of installing packages on the PS Vita. Basically you can download and install demos and other DRM free stuff from other regions like Netflix, Crunchy Roll, E Reader, ect. on your Vita simply by using an email link to launch the pkg installer.


Instructions from SKFU’s blog:

” PS VITA Method:

On PlayStation VITA there are many ways to achieve our goal, so it’s not important right now if one is public. I will show you the most simple one. Probably you have noticed the leak of information regarding a hidden PKG installer a few months ago – this was achieved by using this technique.

Simply as it is, the only thing you have to do is setup the E-Mail client application on your PlayStation VITA and write yourself an HTML E-Mail with the following content to receive the E-Mail on your PSV.


Open your E-Mail app and click the link and the PKG installer will start. You may want to replace the titleid parameter with any of your choice. I have a small list of tested TitleID’s for PSV right here, feel free to add or modify information.”



Very cool stuff. He also talks about the TitleID’s and their importance in Vita/PS4 hacking. And how you can join in on the hunt. This is basically a must read for anyone in the scene.

Thanks SKFU and keep up the good work!

For simplicity here’s a small webform which will unlock the PKG Installer for your PS VITA: kindly hosted by The Zett. Just enter the E-Mail adress you use on your PSV and the script will send you the unlock E-Mail.

*******For those having trouble inserting html into an email just copy and paste this link OPEN PKG INSTALLER *********

Check out how to use the package installer here..

Questions/Comments hit me up @heleius on Twitter

Source: SKFU’s Blog

By heleius

BAWDMF #drinkthekoolaid #inailedyourmom click my peepee