Thu. Jan 30th, 2025


As you may have heard Sony recently announced PS4 firmware 1.70, but what they didn’t tell you is that a new Vita/VitaTV firmware will launch along side it. At this point little is known about what the new Vita firmware has in store for us, other than one little thing. After 6 months of waiting this new Vita Firmware will FINALLY enable PS4 link on the VitaTV.

Below you will find PlayStation Japan’s press release conveniently translated into English for you. 🙂 We will bring you more information as it is announced. So stay tuned! Same hack time, same hack channel. 🙂

In the meantime, kick back, and wait for the update that will let you rock your PS4 on your VitaTV!

As always, hit me up on Twitter @heleius with questions/comments.

Source: PlayStation Japan

PS Vita TV

Remote the ” PS4 Link” is added to the PS Vita TV, using the PS Vita TV, remotely controlling the PS4 â„¢ in away
I can use the play .



Account number that can be simultaneously logged in to the PS4 â„¢ in PS Vita TV becomes 2 account , remote play feature is used in two
You can .
• 1 person connects to PS4 ™ automatically PSN account that is stored in the PS Vita TV.
• The second person , you can connect by pressing the PS button on the wireless controller other in a state in which the first user has connected

By heleius

BAWDMF #drinkthekoolaid #inailedyourmom click my peepee