Playstation TV

PlayStation TV on sale for $20 dollars again

We all know that the PlayStation TV was a big flop and that Sony has stopped production on them. Last year around Christmas time a lot of stores were just selling them for $20 and most stores got rid of their inventory that way. Every so often you might have seen one out in the wild but not on sale for $20.  Now I was contacted by one of our followers (paco2943) that Walmart had them on sale and I was also told by a few of my others friends that BestBuy sometimes has them for that price too.

I went to check it out myself but in my area, all the Walmarts I checked did not have any in stock and could not confirm it they were on sale. (but that’s Walmart for you) So I ask my friends to check if they really had them on sale, a few came back a told me they didn’t even have them anymore. Then bam it happen! One found them at his local Walmart, they even had the Lego Movie bundle on sale for $30 and we all know that is a steal since a ds3 controller can cost $30 dollars. I still haven’t seen them at BestBuy for that price but once again it could just be my local stores.



Now I can’t say every Walmart will have them in stock but they are on sale. These PlayStation TV are probably on FW3.50 or lower but that is me taking a wild question as I don’t really know but I know the Lego Movie bundle will probably be on FW3.20. If the FW is on 3.52 and lower you can do the whitelist hack and more on it, just check out our guide to see what you can do with it here.

About hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.

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  1. Thanks for the tip! I checked all the Walmarts near me (Southeast USA) and the last one had a full selection of them for these prices, but they were listed as regular prices instead of rollbacks. Bought one, got it home and saw that it was on 3.20(!) and went back to clean them out.

    • Oh youre welcome for the tip 😉

    • Hmm… Were these the Lego Movie bundles? I bought a PS TV from Best Buy probably 3 months ago when they were selling them for $20 and it had 3.50… Wondering if I should spring for another…

      • Lego Bundles are exclusive to Walmart. Comes with a DS3, Lego the Movie The Game, Sly Cooper and a 8gb memory card. I bought one launch day for $129.98 and I still feel the sting but love it still none the less. Not as bad as my Virtual Boy purchase years ago.

        • I would love to have a Virtual Boy if you really regret the purchase so much, haha. It at least held its value.

        • Lego bundle is NOT exclusive to Wal-Mart. That is way beyond false. I’ve bought them at $60 from many retailers before I found the console itself for $20 at Wal-Mart. Keeping most unopened in the box.

  2. After looking at my local Walmart and online I cant find one for under $49. If I could find one for this price id buy one. Ill be checking other places and hopefully Ill get lucky.

    • I will say that the bundle I bought said $59.99 on the shelf and then rang up as $29.99… I’d say it’s worth a shot, though I did see just the PSTV properly marked as a rollback.

  3. Seriously, thank you HackInformer for the heads up in the Vita TV price drop. Got my Walmart’s last bundle! $30.

  4. Not to rain on any parades here, but this is pretty old news. I got the last bundle from the Wal-Mart in my area for $30 earlier this month. Note that while the vouchers in the package were set to expire at the end of March, they’ve been extended and will still work. Also note that a small handful of Wal-Marts are selling 16GB Vita memory cards for $10.

    • I heard about it before but I could not confirm it as there none to be found in my area. Then my friends helped me out but what is weird is that a few places in Florida have them for $49.99 still and they even made them ring it up to make sure an it was still $49.99. But once my other friends found ones in different states at $19.97 it was time to write the post. I just had to be sure about it.