LMAN (leecherman) releases Vita Game Update Checker

Recently LMAN (leecherman) has released a utility for your PC called Vita Game Update Checker. He has also brought you tools like Sign-Fake NP Expert, that a lot of us used for the rebirth bubbles. Now, this program does just what it’s named and another cool feature is it can get you the available changelog of a game you are looking up. This tool will be good for anyone looking for a game update, so you can inject pkg files like PSM or NETFLIX etc..


Vita Game Update Checker by LMAN (c) 2015

As it’s name suggests, this tool allows you to
check on-line for any Vita game or app updates
and display it if available, also it can view
the changelog info for the available updates if exists.

Type Title ID or Drop PARAM.SFO file into the first field,
then press on ‘Check’ button to check online for available updates.
Right, click on any column to show or hide the needed one.
Right, click on any update to copy it’s values or to view the changelog.
Press on ‘Save As’ button to save all founded updates to a text file.VitaGameUpdateCheckerChangelog

Microsoft DotNet v4.0

If you like and appreciate my works and want to support, a donation using PayPal will be appreciated:

Special Thanks to Proxima 🙂


Download: VitaGameUpdateChecker

About hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.

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  1. Hello great post btw do you know if this can prevent you from having to sign into psn just to use netflix?

  2. nice tool, will I able to do an offline update to my asian/jap/euro games if I have US PSN account?

    I’m also on 3.18FW and have unity/psm btw..

  3. So does this mean we can use psm rejuvenate on 3.52?

  4. Hello, Since I cant use now the ps vita update blocker, is this software I can use to activate my psvita? sorry for my english bro.