Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Psvita & PSP Downloads

Custom themes for the psp and psvita (TN-V)





Open CMA r5


 The PS Vita comes with a system to copy save files that requires you to be connected permanently to the internet. This system is here to force you to update the Vita when a new version is available. In addition, it might be inconvenient for you to be constantly connected when you want to copy your files from and to the Vita. This patch is here to help you with this situation

Click here to Download 

VHBL 2.12 – Gamocracy One: Legend of Robot (US)&(EU) Fixed

US:Click here to Download 

EU:Click here to Download

Vita Half-Byte Loader (VHBL) the PSP homebrew loader for the PlayStation Vita that allows you to run all of your favorite emulators and homebrew titles on your Vita 2.12

PS Vita’s 138Menu


This is a skin for VHBL and there are many out there but this one is the best that I have found.

Click here to Download 

PSP Homebrew: Breakout 2.0 By Jairo David


Looking for a little classic arcade love on PSP? Check out  Jairo David’s updated Breakout port. New levels, new sounds, new options!

Click here to Download 





The game itself is platform where you control a tiny robot called Xon, which you must help escape the trappings that come out on the bridge as peaks and pits, which you dodge or jump.Developped by Xeo-Swold.Music by Applelo

 Click here to Download 


Mario Kart PSP

This is a homebrew game made by Fouad juggMaster
This is a skill games and you need to avoid you’re enemies.
If you touch one of you’re enemies, you’re gotta start all over again.

Click here to Download 


Multicraft Crazy Stuff 1.0

A multicraft mod by camxpspx123 offering various bug fixes such as bugs with infinite world freeze and same basic features such as inventories

Click here to Download 

NEOGEO Emulator for PSP


MVSPSP is NEOGEO Emulator made by NJ

—-What is different from original?—-
1.Based swarzesherz’s mod
2.Spanish added by swarzesherz (Of course, these support Japanese and English, too.)
3.Cheat added by Davex
4.Work on PSP-3000, Go, Street, eCFW
5.Added a few fix

Click here to Download 


Installs PSP Homebrew Without a Computer

PSPInstaller is back with one final build. Popular demand springs changes from Richard Sparrow!

If you’ve never used PSPInstaller before, it’s essentially a portal for downloading PSP homebrew without the use of a computer. Developers upload their work to the application’s servers where it can be easily downloaded by the masses and consumed. This final version adds great new features like in-app updates and the restoration of the search feature. 

Click here to Download 


SNESSuper Nintendo games are by far some of the most playable games this century, and with customizable options in SnesPSPTYL such as CPU speed, music quality, frame rate skip and much more, you can play your retro games just how you want to without any limitations.

Download: [SnesPSP_TYL v0.4.2 Standard Version]
Download: [SnesPSP_TYL v0.4.2 ME Version] (Kernel Mode Required)
Download: [SnesPSP_TYL v0.4.2 Source Code]


Nintendo NES emulator for the PSP. We haven’t heard from Ruka, thedeveloper of NesterJ, for a while but it still undoubtedly remains the best NES emulator out there for use on your PSP. NesterJ runs at a great true-to-life speed, thanks to a 20% increase in the latest version; it is very easy to use according to our readers and support’s Ad-Hoc WiFi play so that you can give your mates a challenge at your favorite retro pastimes. This is why NesterJ gets the QJ NesterJcertificate of authentication with a place at number 5. No ROM gets way from this little gem without a fight.

Download: [NesterJ for PSP v1.20 Beta2]

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SNES9XTYL has the longest legacy of any app on the PSP homebrew scene. Check out the latest installment here!

If you’re still a member of the PSP homebrew scene, chances are it’s because of the community’s strong emulator support. Of those many amazing retro projects, SNES9XTYL stands alone as the most demanded and talked about EBOOT in the universe. After all, who doesn’t love a little Super Nintendo on the go? This new mod brings in support for PSP Go, the ability to choose where you save games, and takes better advantage of system RAM if its available. See the changelog below!



  • Stand for PSP Go (Rev. 24).
  • Support for PSVita VHBL of 173210 at 2.61 (Rev. 24).
  • Automatic acceptance button X / O (Rev. 24).
  • Now when you first start the emulator you can select the directory for save files (Rev. 24).
  • Added extra support memory (large memory) (Rev. 20).