HENkaku Homebrew Apps
Download: MaiDump Tool_V233.1_ENG
Download: Vitamin_v1.1
Download: Vitamin_v2.0
Download: VitaToolbox v0.1 by Orion90
PSVident By Freakler
Download: PSVident
Download: PSVident Ver 0.2
This is a super pre-alpha. What works:
Starting apps other than steam
There are two vpk files available: moonlight-2000.vpk uses 2000 kbps, moonlight-5000.vpk uses 5000 kbps. If the 5000 version stutters for you, try the 2000 one, if the 2000 one looks too crappy, try the 5000 one.
Before you launch the bubble, create ux0:data/moonlight/server.txt using FTP and type in your server IP address (e.g.
If the app freezes (most often happens on a GET request), just restart the bubble.
Download: 2000 Vita-moonlight
Download: 5000 Vita-moonlight
FTPVita by xerpi
Download: FTPVita
Download: PSTV whitelisthax enabler
Here is Lua Player Plus: The first Lua interpreter for PSVITA
Download: Lua Player Plus
Here is the Vita TV Whitelister by Kankertje
Download: Vita TV Whitelister
Here is the WebSample Installer by Mooliecool
Download: WebSample
For the brave here is Mini settings
Download: Mini settings
Mirror: Mini settings
History deleter: by KanadeEngel I’ve made this for the paranoid people under us, it deletes the vita game and error history
Download: History deleter
memcardswap: by SMOKE (swap cards with another Vita or PSTV)
Download: memcardswap
Mirror: memcardswap
VitaPad v.1.0 by Rinnegatamante Transform your PSVITA into a PC controller.
Download: VitaPad
AntiBlacklist – Advanced whitelister homebrew
Download: AntiBlacklist
Settings Plus:
Download: Settings Plus