Thu. Feb 27th, 2025

Total Noob’s CEF TN-V and Exploits

tn-v bubble

TNVTN-V is here!!! Welcome to Hackinformer! Would you like your TN-V served with 32 or 64mb of ram? ;)


First off NONE of this wouldn’t be possible without the work of a single boy, his initials are TN.

On a personal note, no one get paid for this work. Nobody in this vita scene does. Everything down to the news you read to the exploit’s you install is all done for free and for the love of the scene. If you find Total_Noobs and Friends work worth a couple bucks (and you know it is!) you can donate to them here.

Secondly, We here at Hackinformer would like to thank Wololo and his team of moderators. Who made the ninja release of both exploit games possible.

And lastly we would like to thank every developer who provides this game exploit to the scene (special thanks to Acid_Snake, Qwikrazor87, Patchouli and 173210) A big thank you Freakler who prepared all user exploits that trigger TN-V. Thanks to Hackinformer and Mathieulh for betatesting. You must be on firmware 3.01 for any of this to work on your psvita. Enjoy.

Custom Emulator Firmware 6.60 TN-V by Total_Noob



You must be on 3.01 or 3.18FW and buy one of the exploit games from the psn store for this to work!!!

* Visit ‘’ and get the exploit savedata. Ensure that you download the right region.

* Extract the savedata to ‘\PS Vita\PSAVEDATA\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\’, where ‘XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’ is a bunch of random numbers and letters.

* Extract ‘TN.BIN’ and ‘FLASH0.TN’ to the savedata folder, where you can find ‘H.BIN’

* Obtain the 6.60 EBOOT.PBP and copy it to the savedata folder with the name ’660.PBP’ (

* Transfer the savedata to your PS Vita using CMA.

* Launch your exploit game.

* On the first boot, the recovery menu will appear automatically.

* Select ‘Advanced ->’ menu and then select ‘Install 6.60 files’ (this step is only needed if you’ve never used TN-V4 before).

* Enjoy the install progress.

* After the install is done, go back and exit the recovery menu.

* Enjoy my awesome work.


Click here if you need another guide for the easiest Way To Install TN-V !


[How to install plugins]


* On the PSP you used to install plugins to ‘seplugins’ and you have adjusted ‘vsh.txt’, ‘game.txt’ or ‘pops.txt’.

Here it is exactly the same way:

* Prepare your plugin in this way: Add the plugin (in example plugin.prx) to ‘seplugins’ folder and depending where you want to have this plugin

you should create a txt file inside this folder called ‘vsh.txt’ for XMB mode, ‘game.txt’ for games of course and ‘pops.txt’ for PS1 games.

In the txt file you write the path of the file. In example: ‘ms0:/seplugins/plugin.prx 1′. The number 1 means that

the plugin should be enabled, no number other numbers means that the plugin should be disabled.

* Pack the folder into a ZIP file. IMPORTANT: The prefix of the file MUST be ‘P_’. In example: ‘P_PLUGIN.ZIP’ or ‘P_CXMB.ZIP’.

Also here, the file must be UPPER CASE LETTER and max. 8 characters long.

* Copy the archive to the savedata folder and transfer it to your PS Vita using CMA. Ensure that the savedata is at least as big as your ZIP file is.

* Launch your exploit game and hold the R TRIGGER as soon as the white screen will appear. This leads you to the recovery menu.

* While in TN Recovery menu, select ‘Plugins -> Plugins installer ->’.

* You should now see your archive you just transfered. So…install your plugin.

* The plugin has been installed successfully. For the furthur you can manage your plugins in ‘Plugins -> Plugins manager ->’.

And if you want to delete all plugins, just use ‘Plugins -> Remove all plugins’.

* Exit the recovery menu and enjoy TN-V.

* If this tutorial was too complicated for you, just try with the included plugins ‘P_LEDA.ZIP’, ‘P_CXMB.ZIP’ and ‘P_DAYVIE.ZIP’.

Open the archive and see how it is done – pretty simple.

* Also, you can create archives with more than only one plugin. You just have to put all the plugins into the archive and add all paths to the txt file.

Try the included example for all plugins: ‘P_ALL.ZIP’. This installs leda, cxmb and dayviewer.

* Tip: You can also add your themes to the package (i.e. P_CXMB.ZIP/PSP/THEME/MYTHEME.CTF).


[How to install ISOs]

* Copy your ISO game to the savedata folder where you can find ‘TN.BIN’ and ‘FLASH0.TN’.The file must be UPPER CASE LETTER and max. 8 characters long.

(In example: MYGAME.ISO)

* Transfer the savedata to your PS Vita using CMA. Ensure that the savedata is at least as big as your ISO game is.

* Launch your exploit game and boot the VSH, then select ‘Memory Stick’ in the ‘Game’ column.

* Press triangle on the game and select ‘Install’ to move the ISO to ‘ms0:/ISO’.

* The ISO doesn’t appear directly. You first have to close the game menu, select something else, and then reopen it.


[How to install ZIPs]

* Create an ZIP archive of a homebrew, saved as: “XXXXXXXX.ZIP/PSP/GAME/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/EBOOT.PBP”, where ‘XXXXXXXX’ is the name of the archive and ‘XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’ of your homebrew.

* Save the archive in the savedata folder where you can find ‘TN.BIN’ and ‘FLASH0.TN’. The file must be UPPER CASE LETTER and max. 8 characters long.

(In example: MYZIP.ZIP)

* Transfer the savedata to your PS Vita using CMA. Ensure that the savedata is at least as big as your ZIP archive is.

* Launch your exploit game and boot the VSH, then select ‘Memory Stick’ in the ‘Game’ column.

* Press triangle on the homebrew and select ‘Install’ to extract the contents to your Memory Card.

* The homebrew doesn’t appear directly. You first have to close the game menu, select something else, and then reopen it.


[Accessing Recovery menu and VSH menu]

* You can access the recovery menu by holding R while the exploited game is launching (should be pressed before the green screen appears) or selecting ‘RECOVERY MENU’ in VSH menu.

* The VSH menu opens with the button ‘SELECT’.


[System Update]

* 6.60 TN-V offers you the possibility to update TN-V to its newest revision. To check the newest update, select ‘System Update’ in the ‘Settings’ column.

* All Total Noob’s work is voluntary and non-profit, but if you want to support him you can donate a small amount of money to paypals just Click Here 

You can donate to 173210 here :

You can donate to Qwikrazor87 here


You must download the main file’s for TN-V4  and add them to the exploit you wish to use and if you don’t have the psp 6.60 firmware file’s here is the link.

Here is a quick video on how to make TN-V4 work with your psvita

Click here if you need another guide for the easiest Way To Install TN-V !

You must be on 3.01fw and buy one of the exploit games from the psn store for this to work!!!


Download files.

Main File’s for TN-V4 

TN-V4 fixed for rsod issues   

Main files for TN-V5

 Main File’s for TN-V6 

Main File’s for TN-V7

Main File’s for TN-V7.1

Main Files for TN-V7.2

Main Files for TN-V 7.3  Music.prx fixes.

Main Files for TN-V 8.0

Main Files for TN-V 9.0

Main Files for TN-V 9.5

Main Files for TN-V 9.6

 Main Files for TN-V 9.7

Main Files for TN-V 10

Main Files for TN-V 11

 Thanks to  for putting together the super TN-V game exploit pack you can download hereTN-V superpack




Firmware 1.61 and below:


Firmware 1.67 and below


Firmware 1.81 and below



Firmware 2.02 and below


Firmware 2.06 and below


Firmware 2.12 and below


Firmware 2.60 and below


Firmware 2.61 and below





Firmware 3.00


Firmware 3.01



Fixes for King of Pool and Mega mix

“This should hopefully fix the issue for most languages when it comes to executing the exploit.

These are just the loaders, so you’ll need to add TN.BIN and FLASH0.TN to the savedatafolder, and 660.PBP if you haven’t already installed the 6.60 files.”

You can donate to Qwikrazor87 here

Added EU/AS King of Pool, he will continue with US and JP later.

101-in-1 Megamix

King of Pool

Thanks to  for putting together the super TN-V 9.7 game exploit pack you can download hereTN-V superpack

You can also follow him on twitter too @qwikrazor87 

Questions? Hit us up on Twitter @heleius @hackinformer


 By: Heleius and Hackinformer



93 thoughts on “Total Noob’s CEF TN-V and Exploits”
  1. just fix the links, remove one string from them “ “, it is duplicated

  2. Thanks for all the hard work. Quick question though, is Arcade Darts not one of the exploitable games?

      1. sup hack informer, i just followed the steps for the installation of the TN-V.7.1 thing and had Megamix 101 copied onto my Vita. But the icon wont show in the menu. Please help, what do I do?

  3. the plugin installing instruction is kinda cryptic would somebody mind explaining if plugins go also in the megamix savedata? how to install them to ms0?

  4. Someone call tell me how install ISOS, i follow the instruction but i dont see the ISO game on the Games columb.

  5. I was following the steps you gave for playing ISOs
    but there’s no Install option for me in this step “* Press triangle on the game and select ‘Install’ to move the ISO to ‘ms0:/ISO’.” If anyone can help me I’ll be very grateful 😀 thanks

  6. It doesn´t work for me, i got the a problem (error c1-2858-3) Does anyone how to workaround this issue? and if i have to erase VHBL before in order to run tn-v4 properly? i´m on firmware 2.61 with US fieldrunners. Please anybody help me 🙁

    1. I have the same error here and im on the same 2.61 and us fieldrunners as you so idk how to get around either please help

  7. king of pool on HK,it have no savedate,but we use the savedate from EU,it doesn’t work(error c1-2858-3),please help~many people buy it on hk ps store

  8. I’m on 1.81 with the exploit MBA. I am having difficulties. My brother vita is on 2.11 with a different exploit and I got his working in like 5 mins. I am pretty sure I did everything right. I picked the right region and copied the files from tnv4 into MBA (Us) folder. Used opencma, transferre, loaded , then advance->install 6.60. ->100% then exit recovery menu. But then a black screen and a error afterwards. Not sure wat I did wrong ,would appreciate some help. Thank you

  9. Hey sir blogger guy..Is there any chance i could persuade you into adding something?

    ‘Make sure you have Hide extensions for known file types checked ( ), otherwise you won’t be able to see the extensions on the files (.ZIP, .ISO, etc)

    You can change it up if you want, as that was a pretty sloppy explanation, but i just spend a good 4+ hours talking to my friend who never knew about that and we were wondering what the hell was going on. ;_;

  10. Hi,

    So I followed the instructions:
    * Launch your exploit game.
    * On the first boot, the recovery menu will appear automatically.
    * Select ‘Advanced ->’ menu and then select ‘Install 6.60 files’ (this step is only needed if you’ve never used TN-V4 before).
    * Enjoy the install progress.
    * After the install is done, go back and exit the recovery menu.

    Every thing looked good. but when I got to the last step and clicked “exit recovery”
    My Vita locked up. I rebooted it and it asked me if I wanted to recover my Vita or boot normally and a few other options. I selected boot normally. Now when I click the MadBlockerAlpha game. It looks like its starting to load the exploit then I see what looks like a red PSP background. then gives me an error in a bunch of languages saying “A serious error has occurred. Contact the technical support line”

    I am generally fairly good at these things but cant figure out what I did wrong.

    Vita FW = 1.81
    PBP = Sony OFW 6.60 For PSP 1000/2000/3000
    TN-V4 Binary = TNV-4 Core files
    Loader = Mad Blocker Alpha: US

  11. I have a problem when I go to load the game, it gives me the following error: “it is an error. C1 2858-3.” why? can you help? thanks: D

  12. I just installed a PSP Homebrew & it has not show in the Memory Stick games. The installer went to 100%, gave me no errors & the option to delete the file after the install. Would this be because the installer/homebrew is not compatible with TN-V4?

    I tried the usual reboot, restore & swear at the Vita. 😉

  13. hi guys, i installed it on 2.06 apache overkill, everything went fine and the XMB booted and asked me to set the date and time however it immediately gives me an error message with a red screen. What am i doing wrong?

  14. i just copy the 101-in-1 Megamix via CM. when i finish, Megamix does not appear on the my psvita screen

  15. Hi all , first of all thank you for this release and for the mega offer.I can’t see the iso or cso games…i run Fieldrunners exploit 2.61 EU the one with 2 folders, i managed to start the tn-v4 by copying both of the folders and i followed the instructions to copy the GAME1.ISO to the FIELDFIRMWARE (if i copy it to _NZE… doesn’t start the tn-v4) so i can’t see te game…i have a backup of OBSCURE AFTERMATH…somene can help me pls?.TY and Merry Christmas to all of you

  16. i just follow your video but when i finish copying the megamix it doest appear in my ps vita screen.?

  17. I have a problem with setting of MVSPSP when I pushed HOME botton of vita, this option of setting of the homebrew doesn´t appear anymore with TN.V7.1. Can Someone help me with this?

  18. Hi, nice site man! I was just wondering if you know this TN-V4 can play PSX bin games. I tried loading final fantasy VII but i’m getting The Data is Corrupted. Any ideas?

  19. I got new vita with 1.69, i do not have any game, how to install eCFW if have no game, as i understand that i need one of the Game (Game Card) to run the expoit, ut can not find game anywhere? Also can i use any game from the list from 3.01 to 1.81, thanks

    1. Yes you need one of the exploit games and manually update. Since all the 3.01fw games have been pulled from the store. Like king of pool or megamix. No game card just a memory stick to download the exploit games.

      1. I did not get this “No game card just a memory stick to download the exploit games.”

        As there are no games on the store and i cannot access store unless i update to 3.01
        (which i do not want to, to play PSP ISO), how to put the exploit game on the system.
        If i understand correcly from your comments, you mean i can install the game and explotie from memory stick, if yes then how, i am doing this first time to does not know that much. thanks

        1. You need to download the games from psn but they all have been pulled, so you need to wait for the next exploit. Unless you have a ps3 and can do the open cma trick.

  20. what do i do after copying?? i cant see anything new added to my vita. i followed all the steps and repeated thrice. please help. my vita version is 3.01 and tryin to download MHFU us. please reply ASAP

    1. only these games work on 3.01fw are megamix, king of pool, and ben 10. Please read the list of firmware that goes with your game.

  21. I’ve followed all the steps and even downloaded files from several sites, but after I copy from content manager and go back to main menu, I don’t see the icon.

    I’m using version 3.01 and tried both megamix and kingofpool, tnv4, doesn’t work…HELP PLZ!

  22. I faced the same problem following the tutorial can not
    install TN, after passing the file to the ps vita it will not appear on my device, my doubt is the game download site that really works, or do I need to donwload the playstore??

  23. hey i press install 660 files and then i get the error pspPsarInit failed (0xFFFFFED3) and im on us fieldrunners 2.61 can anyone help me pls

  24. hi hackinformer finally I understand there aren’t any possibility to hack my 3.01vita without the 3 game from psn but what i have to do for knowing the next exploit game hacked before it’s pull out of the store?can u tell me if there is a way to know the title before?or i have to visit the site everyday and how much day sony taked to pull out from the store the 3 game?thx for yours miracle job to all and sry for my imperfect english i’m ita

    1. Yeah over at is where the exploit’s are released sign up at the forums.

  25. hi
    my ps vita( 3.01). the three games pulled from psn
    can you tell me is there any hope to use another exploit
    in the nearest future?
    and what is the name of the game?
    please help me

  26. it does not work with me. I have a PS vita 2.61, the problem is when i transfer save data to PS Vita I can not find it in the menu ps vita

    1. You need to buy the exploit games first then it will work, but all the games have been pulled.

  27. The icon wont show on the home screen after copying the save data help me plss???

  28. Hi Hackinformer,
    I am running Total noob’s latest version with exploit game persona 2 everything opens & works fine but when i drag and transfer my emu files thru CMA they show up as a corrupt on my ps vita what am i doing wrong? thanks

    1. first everything need to be 8char like INSTALL.ZIP or try using ftp to transfer some of your emulators. I use ftp, it may be slow but it works every time.

  29. This is great, however my Model 1 vita is on 3.15fm !!.. Does that mean i can’t do this yet?

    1. well no you can make your know exploit or yes, you will have to wait until there is a public release.

      1. wowza, i’d have no idea how to make my own!! – looks like waiting game for me! gutted haha

        1. it’s not that complicated you own a PSP? user mode exploits are a lot easier than kernel exploits though..

  30. i have a vita with firmware 3.30 need help and don’t know if its possible to do this yet

  31. Is there a step by step guide to hacking my ps Vita anywhere? I have a ps vita Fat currently running FW 3.35. Havnt done anything to it yet and the Vita method seems alot more in depth than psp was. I just want to be able to get a snes emulator on it without bricking my vita

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