Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

This is the last comparison of Everdrives for a while, so I hope you enjoy. We sure do love handhelds in my house, so this is us comparing just how the two best Everdrives for Game Boy compare. Let’s get into it.

Disclaimer: a free product was provided by the manufacturer for this review


Ever dream of having your whole library of Game Boy games in a single cartridge? The EverDrive-GB allows you to load your personally backed-up games from a microSD card, put the SD card into the EverDrive-GB X5, put the EverDrive-GB into a Game Boy or Game Boy Color compatible device and have your list of games at your finger tips.

X5 Features:

  • Max ROM size: 8MByte
  • Max SAVE RAM size: 128KByte
  • Instant loading
  • Low power consumption
  • High quality 4-layers PCB
  • Hard gold plating for cartridge contacts
  • GameGenie cheat codes
  • Soft reset to menu
  • Supported mappers: MBC1, MBC2, MBC3, MBC5
  • Micro SD cards are supported.
  • Compatible with all systems which supports GB and GBC cartridges, including Super Game Boy*
  • OS supports up to 1000 files per folder
  • PCB Rev.B (Fixed compatibility problems with Game Boy pocket) 

X7 Features:

  • Max ROM size: 8MByte
  • Max SAVE RAM size: 128KByte
  • Save States function and In-Game menu function
  • Isolated RTC function. “Isolated” means that multiple games can use RTC without interference. Each game will have own copy of time
  • Instant loading
  • Low power consumption
  • High quality 4-layers PCB
  • Hard gold plating for cartridge contacts
  • GameGenie cheat codes
  • Soft reset to menu
  • Supported mappers: MBC1, MBC2, MBC3, MBC5
  • Micro SD cards are supported.
  • Compatible with all systems which supports GB and GBC cartridges (including Super Game Boy)
  • OS supports up to 1000 files per folder
  • PCB Rev.B (Fixed compatibility problems with Game Boy pocket)

Unboxing (starts at 4m35s):


  • X3 vs. X5. The X5 over the X3 is a no brainer. It doesn’t cost too much more than the X3. And while I’m aware that we’re here to discuss the X5 versus the X7, I want to dissuade anyone who says that the X3 is a better option over the X5 down in the comments. Someone out there might argue that the X3 and the X5 are so similar and that the price difference isn’t justified. But as you’ll soon see, the X5 is actually closer to the X7 than it is the X3. If you’re already reading this article, considering the X5, you can disregard the X3. If you’re looking for the base model and want to save some money, then I recommend getting the X3. Here’s a link to my article comparing the X3 to the EZ Flash Jr. If you’re looking at the X5 then you can definitely dismiss the thought of a EZ Flash Jr. from your mind. You’re likely here for features and the lesser two flashcarts from the other article are not near as feature rich as the X5 and X7.


  • Simple. Everything about these is simple. Simple to setup initially, simple to load a game, simple to navigate the OS. Let’s start with the setup process, just so that you can see how easy it is to get up and going. In fact, you could even do this while waiting for your Everdrive GB to arrive. Insert your microSD card into your computer and then make sure it’s formatted to Fat32. Now download the newest Everdrive GB from this link. They use the same OS for the X3, X5, and X7 so you’re all good as long as it’s the newest to date. Then extract the contents of it to the root of your SD card. Finally, make a folder and populate all of your backed up games into it. Once you have the Everdrive GB in hand, simply put in your microSD and start it up in the Game Boy. At first it will update and after that, you’ll be in like Flynn.
    Navigating the OS is also incredibly simple. When you boot the Game Boy, you’re of course greeted with the Nintendo splash screen. After that, you’ll be in a file browser that shows you the root of the microSD card. You can use the D-Pad to navigate into folders of your choosing, selecting them by pressing A, of course. However, if you press the Select button on any screen, it will bring up some extra menu options to make everything nice and easy. Choose the top option on the list called “Options”. This is where you can turn on or off several core functions like cheats, hiding GBCSYS folder, Sys Button, and Pocket Fix. I always leave everything on except Pocket Fix. That was added to help compatibility issues with those of you using Analogue Pocket. There is also an option in that menu to swap your A and B buttons for confirm and back while in the OS. I leave this alone as well. Outside of the options menu, there are a few other things we can quickly discuss. You can choose to play the last game you played, you can choose a random game, cheats logging, device info (of the Everdrive), diagnostics (health of the Everdrive), setting up the real time clock, and an about section.
    Speaking of navigating, as I said before getting around is easy. But getting into a game is literally so simple. Once the cartridge is loaded, you simply use the D-Pad to go the folder with your games, then press A on the game that you want to load, then choose “Select and Start”. It takes 1-2 seconds on average to get in game, that includes Game Boy Color games. However, I will say I tried a larger GBC title and I swear it took maybe 3 seconds. It was hard to pin down how long it took, but it wasn’t enough to make you yell at the Game Boy to hurry up. I counted from the time I turned my GBC on to the time I got into Mario Golf about 15 seconds. Not too bad at all.


  • Compatibility. Let’s now discuss both hardware compatibility and software compatibility. The Everdrive GB line of flashcarts are designed to work in all official Nintendo hardware that accepts the form factor. That would the Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Super Game Boy (either version), and the Game Boy Player for Gamecube. As to whether or not they work in your clone handheld device is something I can’t tell you. Do research about your specific item and both of these and see which one works or works best for you. If it’s the Analogue Pocket that you’re wanting to use it on, remember, compatibility isn’t flawless. There is the aforementioned “Pocket Fix” which should remedy most issues. If not, let Krikzz know what your issue is, it’s possible it may be fixable.
    With regards to software, this is not even a tricky question. The bottom line is that I couldn’t find a game that the X5 or the X7 couldn’t handle. I expected the X7 to handle everything I threw at it, it had better for the price it’s being sold at. But the X5 is interesting because it says it can play games with the same mappers as the X3. Which should imply that it plays less games, but I couldn’t find one. So if you find a game the X5 cannot handle, please share it in the comments so that I can add it into this article. With regards to homebrew and translated ROMs, that is always going to be hit and miss. I could not test every single homebrew ever made, same with translated games. So I just found a “most popular homebrews” and made sure that a game from the list worked. Both a regular GB and a GBC homebrew game. They both worked as if they were official. So I found a patch for a JP game I own, Star Ocean: Blue Sphere, and applied the patch. The game worked exactly as it did when I loaded it as a Japanese only title. I did not test the translation patched games on the X3, but I would surmise that they would work there as long as the base game works on it. Here is a great resource for those kind of titles on GB and GBC.


  • Colors. As always, with the Everdrive GB models, they all share the same color options for the cartridge shell. This is to keep manufacturing and assembly easier to maintain. So you have two shell options available, both are featured in the pictures in this article. One of them is a frosty, opaque clear option. The second choice being a flat, matte black color. The plastic clamshell that it comes in is the same regardless of which cartridge color you choose. I myself do love colored options that are clear, so a plain clear doesn’t really scratch an itch for me. I also love matte options as well, but usually only colored ones. So in this instance, I wish there was a colored clear or a colored matte. But really, you don’t look at it as you’re playing on a Game Boy, so I don’t really mind. It matters more when it’s a large Everdrive sticking out of the top of a console. I understand the options look like this because the Game Boy Color cartridges usually came in these two flavors.
    Finally, outside of the shell color, there is the label sticker. This will be the same regardless of which cartridge color you chose. I’m guessing that purple was chosen due to the clear purple GBC being one of the most popular. They then laid the logo for the Everdrive GB on top of it. The color design scheme of the stickers extends to the clamshell as well. Surprisingly though, there’s no manual in the clamshell (nor online), so it’s just a clamshell for protection and nothing more.
    Note: There are some more color options over on Stone Age Gamer as well. However, the only catch is that they’ve had them up on their site for a while, so they may be older models of the PCB. Meaning they may not have the reset button on the very top.


  • Design Layout. Usually, I would discuss the build quality. But I feel like I’ve beaten that over the head when it comes to Krikzz’s magnificent cartridges. I’ve made easily a dozen articles on Everdrives now, so if you read any of them, you’ll see a build quality section. Even if you just click the link I mentioned in the X3 section since they have the same build quality.
    Instead, let’s talk about the way the cartridge is laid out from the inside out. You can’t see the inside if you have the black cartridge, but they’re identical inside. There is a real time clock battery inside, and it’s made easy to replace. Slide out the dead battery and then slide in the new one. There are other design elements inside, like Krikzz always has gold plating against a black solder mask. The fun easter egg on the PCB is that he usually has a little logo or avatar printed in there. There’s also mention of the model, revision, date, and location of manufacture. The PCB is always a multilayer PCB to help hide a lot of elements that you don’t need to see, and also protect parts that need protecting.
    On the outside we have just a few points of interest. Let’s start with the one single screw on the back. It’s a bog standard Phillips screw, so that it’s easy to take apart. The area at the top front, where normally it says Game Boy on an OEM cart, it says Everdrive. On the very top of the cartridge itself, you have two points of interest. There is a microSD card slot opening, which lets you insert one to a microSD slot inside the cartridge. And then there is a physical button on top. Depending on which model of Everdrive GB you buy, this does different functions. With regards to the X5, this is a button that allows you to lock in your SRAM save. At the same time it also returns you to the game choice screen, meaning you don’t have to power off and back on to choose a different game. On the X7, you press the button to bring up an in game menu. You’ll have the option to make a save state, load a save state, or return to the menu.


  • Cheats. Really quickly, I just want to finish off the “Pros” section by giving cheating in video games an honorable mention. Now, be aware that both the X5 and the X7 have a cheats system. What’s more, the cheat system is identical on both, the X7 doesn’t do anything better than the X5. It’s super easy to get cheats going in your favorite games on the Everdrive GB. First off, go into the aforementioned “Options” section of the main menu. You’ll see it on the screen just by pressing the Select button. Note: Start button pulls up the last game you played, so don’t accidentally press it.
    Once you’re in the options menu, head down to the “Cheats” option and make sure that it’s set to on. It should be by default, but depending on when and where you get your Everdrive GB from, it may be in the off position. Now exit back to the main screen so that you can go to your favorite game. Navigate to the game and then press on the game just once. This will show you a full menu: Select and Start, Select Only, Cheats, and Rom Info. Choose “Cheats” and you’ll see X’s from top to bottom of your screen. They’re in rows of 9, this is because the Game Genie used a 9 digit format. Now go online to a site that hosts Game Genie cheats for Game Boy and Game Boy Color games. They will likely have every game that has codes and have the games alphabetized. Find your favorite game, and choose a cheat, for example infinite lives. It should show you a 9 digit, alphanumeric code and that’s what you will type in. You can ignore if it does or doesn’t show you dashes like the Everdrive does. Just type the code in by clicking on a line and choosing “Edit”.
    Finally, after typing it, press B to go back. It will flash on the screen that it is “Saving Data” and return you to the game’s menu. Now choose to the option called “Start and Select”. Once the game is started, you should see the effects of the code. Note: I found out that you must use Game Genie cheats and not Game Shark cheat codes. Then, for the life of me, I couldn’t find Game Shark specific lists online for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color. But after searching high and low, I found this site. I recommend you use it instead of wasting your time looking for one, you just choose a game guide and that’s where the codes are.


  • Button. This is truly my one and only complaint about the Everdrive GB line of flashcarts. Don’t get me wrong, I like having a tangible button on it to enhance it instead of using the old method of squeezing the cartridge. I think it’s the button itself that could use a little more fine tuning. I understand that it’s a low profile button so that the chances of it being accidentally depressed during gameplay is minimal. I think that the low profile part of the button is fine. My actual complaint is that it’s physically too small of a button for an adult to easily press. Especially on the X7 if you want to press it during an opportune time. The X3 and X5 can have a tiny button for all that I care, because it doesn’t bring up an in game menu. But on the X7 where I may want to make a save state at a precise moment, the button is simply too thin for that. I need the width of it to be increased quite literally to be the same width as the microSD card on the other size. If Krikzz implemented this change, he would likely implement it across all three Everdrive GB for simplicity’s sake. But I don’t mind as long as it’s at least on the X7.

Final Thoughts:

The TL;DR version of this whole article is that there are three total Everdrives for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color. You’re going to find that the X5 and the X7 are very similar, but that their prices are not at around $80 difference. If you’re on a budget and you don’t need save states, just go with the X5. It’s a great middle ground and you can’t go wrong, however you may want to update years down the road. If you have the money and want a product that is feature rich out of the box, go ahead and go for the X7. The purchase links are down below.

Purchase Links:

Everdrive GB X5

Everdrive GB X7