Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025
save wizard

Well guys, it didn’t take long for Cyber Gadget to get through the new hoops from Sony on the latest PS4 firmware update, 4.50!

cyber gadget

As you know the latest update to the Playstation 4’s firmware patched, or more accurately added more security to, the save file so that Cyber Gadget’s save editor wouldn’t work. Well, as I suspected it didn’t take long for them to get the device back up and running!!


One thing to note is they took down the 600mb save file for Final Fantasy 15 as it was bogging down their server. Aside from that you’re now free to update if you haven’t and if you have you’re free to use the save editor to hack saves to your heart’s content.

cyber gadget

As a bonus, it won’t be long before I put out a “how-to” of sorts on writing codes for the device and editing your own saves. Don’t expect this in a week but it will come I promise. Thanks for reading and as always… Happy Gaming and KEEP ON PRAISING THE SUN!!!

By JohnthePooka

Just your friendly neighborhood redneck from Alabama keeping things interesting. I cling to my God, my games and my guns! Roll Tide and HAPPY GAMING!! You can find me on Facebook and Twitter @johnfrazarjr