Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Lately, a largely believed rumor has been flying around the scene claiming that Vitamin v1.1 games had been causing a sleep state save corrupt issues. This rumor caused a halt in dumped games as people believed v1.1 vitamin dumps to be faulty.

Bad gamesave

After some bug testing by TheFl0w, he begins to theorize that HENkaku was the culprit of the bug issue and went to twitter for help. Through twitter it was confirmed that HENkaku was causing the game save corrupts to not only dumped games but legit ones too.


Yifan_lu and his team have now released HENkaku R5 which claims to fix the game save issues relating to its PSN spoofer. The changelog can be found below.

Release 5 (September 6, 2016)

This update improves the quality of the system performance.

  • Changed how PSN spoofing is done. This should fix problems a minority of users experience regarding game saves.
  • Removed update blocking features as a side effect of above.
  • Update to VitaShell 0.91. This is the last VitaShell update bundled into HENkaku. Please use VitaShell’s built in network update feature to update VitaShell as a standalone component.

To install the latest update of Henkaku simply head over to Henkaku.xyz on your Vita’s browser and install.
EDIT: If you have exchanged shell.self with one from a Testkit Vita like done on this Tutorial then the PSN Spoof won’t work anymore for you in HENkaku R5. To still be able to use it you will have to continue using HENkaku R4 and don’t update HENkaku or put your old shell.self back.

By JustTheRennie

I got into the hacking scene rather early in the PSP days but I was young and only really lurked around. Youtuber for Hackinformer: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBS8gmssPG0zrhPI7fraABA Twitter: @JustTheRennie