Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Developer Plutoo released his version of Smilehax which also works with SmileBASIC update 3.31 and all three Regions(EUR, USA, JPN). Developer MrNbaYoh released an exploit earlier but his exploit didn’t support the JPN Version of the game and was restricted to version 3.21 of the game. As for both exploits they are primary which means they can be installed without the need of another 3DS exploit game and work on the latest Firmware 11.0.0-33. A video of the exploit being run by putoo can be found below.

Requirements for it to run on your 3DS:
  • SmileBASIC
  • · A JAP, EU or USA copy of the game (only available on the eShop)
  • · Recent 3DS firmware, including latest (11.0.0-33) as of this writing
  • 3.31 is supported.

Instructions on how to run the exploit and a tiny FAQ can be found on the official site.

Source: Plutoo

By Darthsternie

Interested in everything Technical. Loves self-repairing Tech. Collector of Firmwares. Enthusiast Gamer and Anime Fan ^^