Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

It seems were in the midst of another hax for the 3DS one downfall with this hax is it seems that the U.S. Nintendo eShop has already taken it down. freakyhax
For those who don’t know this hax requires you to have either the EUR/USA copy of the game Freakyforms Deluxe (either eShop or cartridge) and a recent 3DS firmware, the latest being (11.0.0-33) as a writing this post.

And this just goes to show you that Nintendo is keeping an eye on the 3DS hack scene very closely and are attempting to jump on anything include a stop to it as soon as they can. I am sure most of you have noticed that Nintendo has not seemed to have tried to stop them YET or just can’t.

News of this hack came out just a few hours ago today, and Nintendo sent their gumba squad out to put a stop to it. Prices are also increasing on eBay as I write this from the way it’s going we may have another Cubic ninja on our hands.

Here’s what qlutoo had to say on twitter and neogaf here.


You can get it on ebay or Amazon before its to late, here are two links to the game.

You can get freakyforms for a reasonable price at Play-Asia if you’re not in the US. Thanks for the tip @heilgutz

So I would say if your able to grab a copy of this game you better jump on it fast and if your region is EUR grab the eShop ver fast as it might be gone any sec!!

1. Get the latest version of freakyhax, and extract it to the root of your sdcard.

2. Get the "otherapp payload" for your 3DS firmware from the homebrew launcher website.

3. Put the otherapp bin on your sdcard root and rename it to "otherapp.bin".

5. Get the homebrew starter kit from the homebrew launcher website and put it on your sdcard.

4. Start the game.


How do I trigger the exploit?

In the game menu pick:
Play → Camera → Load a QR code → pick the image.

It doesn't work!

Try the troubleshooting guide. If that doesn't work, try the IRC channel #3dsdev on EFNet.

Why isn't the Japanese version supported?

It will be supported eventually.

How do I develop homebrew?

The 3dbrew wiki has a tutorial how to setup the toolchain and build example code.

Where can I find other exploits?

You can find a summary of exploits on the 3dbrew wiki.

Thanks for reading and

Keep doing it for the love of the game.


By riddle43

Do it for the love of the game.