Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

You read correctly. It seems that Digital Foundry has shared some information about the last major update sneaking in some PS2 emulation software. According to them a new PS4 Star Wars bundle has been released that includes four “classic” games from the franchise in the form of a digital download code. Apparently three of these hail from the PS2 era.


There are several small details that lead you to believe it is indeed emulation and not remaster. The start and select buttons have been remapped to the left and right sides of the touch pad on the DS4, respectively. Also, the iconic Playstation 2 logo appears at startup.

Now, for the coolest part. It seems that all these titles will be upscaled. It may not be what you want as far as HD but it is most certainly better than the PS2 graphics. According to Eurogamer, my source for this article, the resolution has been upscaled quite a bit before going full 1080p.


That’s about all I have for you right now but if you want to read further and see a video of the comparison go to the source site, Eurogamer, and have a read!! Thanks for reading guys and as always… HAPPY GAMING!!!

By JohnthePooka

Just your friendly neighborhood redneck from Alabama keeping things interesting. I cling to my God, my games and my guns! Roll Tide and HAPPY GAMING!! You can find me on Facebook and Twitter @johnfrazarjr