After HandyVITA and RaceVita, unstoppable frangar (with xerpi’s help) releases an emulator of Sega Master System and Sega Game Gear – SMSPlusVita.
Atari Lynx, NeoGeo Pocket/NeoGeo Pocket Color, and now Sega Master System/Sega Game Gear. That’s what has frangar released in the first month after Rejuvenate release, and he has also contributed to several other projects.
SMSPlusVita is a port of akop’s PSP emulator SMS Plus. Current version (1.3.1) of SMSPlusVita runs with sound but doesn’t support savestates, config saving and screenshots yet. Like with RaceVita, some options from the PSP version are still present, so you can, for example, change screen size.
How to run SMSPlusVita:
– download backgroundsms.png and put it to cache0:VitaDefilerClient/Documents using FTP Vita
– put your desired rom also to cache0:VitaDefilerClient/Documents using FTPVita
– run smspsp.elf (either by dropping it on run_homebrew.bat or through VHL)
Additional information:
– make sure that backgroundsms.png and roms are in VitaDefilerClient/Documents, don’t put them in any subfolders
– report working/not working games and other issues here
– if you don’t know how to use FTPVita, check out Freakler’s guide
– for more PS Vita homebrew go to Vita Dev Wiki
Source: GitHub