Sun. Mar 9th, 2025
vita hack

Well, after a LOT of work on the native side of the Vita it seems that we finally have some good stuff for everyone. It’s not really helpful for the end user but it does indeed show that we are able to decrypt some system files on the Vita.



Basically, it proves that the guys working on the Vita have the ability to decrypt system files. What will come of this? I can’t really say. I do know that it’s really cool to see some progress from the native side. It’s gonna be a little while before we see a lot from this but it’s definitely on the right track.

It gives them access to files similar to version.txt that we see in the PSP hacking side. It seems they’re inside the system files now so we can hope that before too terribly long we will see the fruit of their labor. When? I can’t say, nor would I want to speculate.

vita hack

I will say these guys deserve some MAD PROPS for all the hard work they put in. Well, that’s about it. If you want to see the keys then CLICK HERE!!! Thanks for reading and as always… HAPPY GAMING!!!

By JohnthePooka

Just your friendly neighborhood redneck from Alabama keeping things interesting. I cling to my God, my games and my guns! Roll Tide and HAPPY GAMING!! You can find me on Facebook and Twitter @johnfrazarjr